Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

i feel like taking pictures of timestamps from a private chat is :eyes:


i hope marshal throws himself into the incinerator

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that sounds

really mean

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He’s planning on ingesting poison.

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wow i cant believe chloe hates marshal

best post in the game




As much as I hate changing rules mid-game, this is kind of necessary as otherwise it’d be a waste of 24+ hours.

Like, no offense to Sulit, but she picked the worst timing to kill Kyo as literally everyone but Universal, Apprentice, and Mole had solid alibis in that time frame, and because of Geyde using his Read Intention actions he cleared App and Mole.

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I… don’t know why she decided to kill me.
Or why she didn’t team up with someone so she’d instantly get away
My murder was poorly thought out, really

You could easily have said to someone
“Hey, I’m going to kill X. If you kill Y, one of us gets away and the other will face trial. Pretty fair deal.”
And it is a fair deal

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It was pretty much a 11037.

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she literally could have locked the door and counted on a death happening in the next 24 hours


I wish someone took advantage of the double murder thing where the culprit of the first murder gets free graduation

It was the perfect opportunity to have two people be each other’s accomplices

I was going to

  • Kill someone in the Garbage Disposal Room
  • Run to someone to tell them I just murdered someone
  • Have them murder someone, help them clean up the evidence
  • Win

If I were that person I would make sure my victim was found first

The second murderer can just ensure their body is found first that’s like the big issue

You need to have the second murderer help the first one for it to be more fair imo

Wait I’m thinking of this wrong

It’s the first murder to take place right?

Not the first victim to be found?