Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

He’s so helpful(!)

Such an inspiration(!)

Guillo, if Wisp is scum. It is never for that reason. lol

Hey Tiger, hoping for a nice wall

@zone_q11 pls com back

Helz - Town. I’m willing to believe this one is town; but I’m probably not going to sheep his reads without my own reasoning, for a couple reasons
Min - Town. I’ve only had two games with min; but I’m fairly sure I’ve got a good grasp of their personality, and they should be susceptible to my style of reading. I’d call it a gut read, but it’s more of a vague sense of how they post/structure their arguments/behave
Nightingale - scum? Has been behaving questionable today, tbh
Blitz - null/scumlean. Honestly, blitz’s reads aren’t bad and do show some thought being put in. I’m more worried about the fact he’s only showing up with them when he’s asked, while apparently deep in ISO’s (…I’m prolly not one to speak, but yanno >.>)
Lemon - townlean? They aren’t a particularly strong townlean tbh, but I just don’t see a reason for there to be so many SR’s on lemlem, and it’s making me paranoid
Wind - seems town from posts/arguments. I’m not too sure about this, but I’m hoping for it too. Town wind is fun.

^today’s reads

Can ya tell me what exactly it is I did above anybody else that means you wanna tunnel me?

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Only a smol wall

Aight. Blitz. This one is weird to me.

I keep seeing a lot of people TR them then nobody is willing to say they TR them in readwalls so I’m confused.

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Also yeah. I’m accepting Wind as Town at this point. Somehow a lot easier than in MC’s game.

I can’t explain this either. It just feels right

Truly, I am a GOAT mafia player

The problem I have with blitz is that their reads seem town, but the behaviour doesn’t match up
And i’m more willing to mistrust peopls’s words than their behaviour

Also Tiger, explain your Helz shit

how do you mean?

Tiger, I propose we put the world to rights now.

I got some time

Reason 1: if helz is a wolf, he’s going for the powerwolf/deepwolf route, and I have no clue how good I am at finding those.

Reason 2: I think he’s a bit overwehelmed wuth the numbers we have here; which does make sense.
This mainly matters because I think most players of his general “style” would start making a PoE by now; the fact that he isn’t either means I’m making false assumptions, he’s not there yet, or a thrd something K just forgot while typing this.

^most of this is based on assumptions, true, so it may all change at some point
But even then I don’t wanna senselessly sheep because sheeping without thought is not the good kind of lazy


Somebody else said something similar before, I think, but:
Besides when he’s specifically asked, I don’t think i’ve seen him give any sort of read before
Like… the reads he does give seem okay?
But the fact that he doesn’t say anything of his own initiative/doesn’t comment on anything active going on raises flags
(Ik I’m basically the same which makes this read a bit ridiculous probably, but I wanted to do this game low effort from the beginning, while he’s mentioned ISOing at least twice now)

Hey Silv

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I’m here till my phone dies. It’s at 12% rn