Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

From a psychological stand point it looks like bullshit and well, it was.

Honestly, it probably is
But it let’s me think I’m doing something

Oh my, how do we figure out who’s the mafia?


/vote Nightingale @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

I have reasoning which I’ve forgotten and will find again but I remember this being the wrong answer. (The answer which makes me SR you, not technically incorrect)

The reason why you voted Night is…

@Zone_Q11 you asked me to give thoughts on EOD1
I can’t find your post so I’ll just tag you

Notes of EOD1

I’ll start from 10 mins before EOD, which is approximately here:

I think at this point there wasn’t anyone on Wiisp’s wagon

Actually, here’s VC a bit before then:

(This is after Wiisp’s call for CFD)

For context, this post was in response to Helz’s post which had the exact words of “focused on eliminating them”. At first, I thought the deliberate “eliminate” here didn’t match with Lukundo’s explanation D2 that Wiisp made a post they disliked they thought “why not?” - the eliminate here seems much more deliberate but it becomes NAI with context.

This was in response to Silviu asking why they should vote wiisp then. I agree that one post they made felt very wrong (as in it made no sense why they believe they would die over claimed masons) but that was also the post that made a lot of people instantly SL/SR Wiisp.

Aelin votes Wiisp

tbh I still don’t really understand where this came from (is it meta-related or something?). You’re still alive so does that mean Proph is town?

At some point while doing this, I realized I was just paraphrasing what was happening and not giving any analysis. I was also basically quoting all the comments which is useless because people can read it themselves.

Summary (sort of):

  • Marl would rather PKR than Kaif die (and votes PKR)
  • min disliked the idea of voting Wiisp and thought PKR was a fine wagon and Kaif not self-presing was towny
  • Aelin says they are not comfortable voting with min on PKR (who is null for them)
  • Silviu votes Wiisp
  • Lukundo votes Wiisp
  • Night shows up
  • Blitz says they want to swap to Wiisp but don’t want to risk Kaif getting hugged
  • Kaif votes Wiisp and urges people on PKR to reconsider
  • Blitz votes Wiisp
  • min says CFD sucks
  • Night asks if people are voting Kaif
  • min replies to vote PKR
  • Tilga says they want to flip PKR a lot more
  • Lukundo gives reads: Kaif up for debate, Wiisp SR, PKR TR
  • Helz strongly disagree with Wiisp CFD
  • Tilga votes PKR
  • Aelin would rather flip Wiisp and Kaif than PKR


  • Wiisp seems like they are in agony over voting PKR to self-pres
  • Lukundo leaves
  • Aelin votes PKR
  • Wiisp votes PKR
  • Blitz votes PKR
    Day Ends

So things that stood out to me would be A) min’s strong opposition against Wiisp wagon (which gets ignored) B) Tilga’s vote on PKR C) Aelin not feeling PKR wagon but still voting PKR in the end and D) Blitz going wherever the wind blows

Should Wiisp be scum, I don’t think min looks very good. However, considering the sheer amount of people willing to switch to Wiisp last minute, I don’t think that’s likely.

Tilga’s vote on PKR stands out as the first after a bunch of Wiisp votes. The shift back to PKR wagon occurs after Tilga’s vote. Again, if Wiisp is scum, Tilga doesn’t look great here.

The fact that Aelin says they would rather vote Wiisp or Kaif than PKR but still votes PKR anyways strikes me as odd. However, as Aelin expressed in the thread, paranoia may have played a factor in this.

Blitz is probably the scummiest out of the people here. In a Wiisp/PKR T/T world, Blitz looks opportunistic from jumping onto whichever wagon is popular.

Ultimately, all of these analysis hinge on Wiisp’s currently unknown alignment. I have a light TL on them (i.e., Wiisp) for now from their interaction with Aelin earlier (which I thought was too contained towards each other to be wolfy) so Blitz would be the one I find most sus from EOD1.


That took forever
Glad the formatting didn’t mess up

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I really need to write my thoughts down, if even on a notepad, more often

uh… I was joking?

/unvote @osieorb18 liThePsycho

What? You give up?

Hey Guillo.

Quit being a dumbass for just like 20 seconds while reading this then doing what I say.

Hopefully longer but we’ll take 20.

If I’m mafia, you said yourself it’s with Wisp.

Can we kill Wisp today cause your dumb arse is set that I’m wolf with Wisp and I don’t think Wisp is exactly great so we can meet there. Someone can check me, I can laugh at you.

I don’t have the reasoning meaning I can’t push it in good faith.

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It’s like you think I’m not going to laugh at Marl when I get to graveyard

Ah I see what you mean. Although, in comparison to Nika’s case on PKR, I think Silviu’s case on you was way more forced and unnatural. The fact that it was a RT explains why it was unnatural. Didn’t really think much of it beyond that.

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I can see where you’re coming from considering that he mostly posts with humor and less with analysis but at the end of the D1 they did this.

It’s weird that they don’t write about poke, I hope you aren’t voting them only because they voted you.

im not posting till tonight, I work at 8 hours
just a bit of clarity

Yeah, I saw that.
I thought the reads list was towny but not un-fakable tbh.
I’m also a little iffy that they only gave their reads only after getting poked (and in a detailed reads list format at that).

Although I will say that I think Blitz might be a more passive player in general so I’m not sure how much I can read into that.