Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I’m bad at fm but play because I’m lonely at this point


yeah, and a lot of introductions since a lot of us haven’t played together before.
I usually slide into solving mode once someone else starts making reads tbh, since it gives me something to work off.


Unironically the funniest post I’ve made

Lemon can be scum.

Towns dont wait to solve or to be told to syart solving, we just do.

How did you reach that conclusion

Nah, shouldn’t be necessary. I just like giving people the option; you’re the first here to actually say yes
Last two games as mafia:


Last two games as twon where i wasn’t permanently silenced/killed d1:



In fact; this will probably count against me bc mafia me is better than town me
But whatever


Gonna poke you with a stick, so I can figure out your alignment.

Vote Guillotina

Are you content with not answering any questions directed at you?

mood bro
you’re not bad at FM at all, though imo

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Eh… I am kind of anti-meta nowadays.
I am not forbidding people from using meta to read others, but I don’t think information from old games will matter as much as information from the current -ongoing- game.

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Wouldn’t dream of it my dear

Like lemon never needed someone to tell them to solve

They just have trouble transitioning from being memey to solvy which really isnt as uncommon as people think?

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never heard of it

I’d love to solve
but my brain isn’t cooperating right now

I don’t mind fluff, but I saw something intriguing with regards to Guillotina, and would like to continue pushing on it to see what happens.

I religiously say no but I made an exception this time.

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Good. Don’t go there.
It’s not a fun place if you want to play competitively.

who wants competition when you can have a headache instead? :smiley:

tbh I kind of like the pushiness there

LOL so confident to know that you are as much town as i am for that action. Love the fire.

I still refuse to do your bidding, if you think that is going rattle me into playing in your terms ask around to the people that know me.

I will not follow up on my rvs reads… if you dont understand why? Then go back to play newbie games.

/vote guillotina @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho