Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I’m going grocery shopping but hi

I’m sorry pkr :frowning: another d1 ur mled :frowning:

not particularly

It’s fine. He’s the living meme.
It’s not as if he’s paired up with me or anything.

I have no idea what this sync thing is btw

yeah, with the last minute wisp wagon and returning back to PKR it was a mess

from what little I know about the anime, a girl and boy pair upto control a mech. So that’s probably a way of obtaining a power which can be seen from PKR’s and the games opening flavour

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PKR in graveyard:


why boy and girl?
that’s kind of heterosexist

Anime logic.

Kinda the schtick of the show.
Someone tried the yuri path. It didn’t work out well until like, 10 years in the future.

you’re right
yuri is the future

Not really. More like: “yuri is part of the future”

Aelin to me… appears to say their reads honestly and also have some original thought shoved in there, that mean they did put some effort into reading (at least my posts). They also questioned the mason claim but said they will sheep with it.

I’m not quite confident to vote them.


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The anime ends in a “we are going to repopulate Earth” kind of ending.

I voted Wiisp because I believed they were effectively working to turn people against each other~ but I’m no longer confident in that as I see he also trusts people and say the reasons for it. I mean… can a mafia do that? They seem to be skeptical of people but not too exaggerated where you can see their plan or is unbalanced.

Aelin was gunning for Min for most of the time. They had PKR as TWTBW since mid-day and had been against lynching Kaif. So them joining the wisp wagon and switching back seems decently belivable.

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Anyhow, I am going back to AFK land now.
But before that, let me leave a “placeholder vote” on someone who tried to kill PKR.

/vote Tilgarial



Aelin just sounded genuinely burnt out most of the time
I don’t recall much tbh but they’re not a strong SR for me

actually I have them on null
I should probably ISO at some point though


I got a red check

Vote: Nikamara @osieorb18

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