Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

That’s not a problem~ a problem would be to not respect the art of stopping when needed and I do not think you broke that.

Silviu, your role explicitly helps town, yes?

Indeed, it helps the town to be more powerful… but the host also doesn’t specify all the concept about it fully.

I’m gonna shoot myself

May as well out it. Wiisp and I have had a neighborhood chat since last night for an amount of time I will not reveal. He kinda stopped responding it in pretty quickly though.



This explains why you guys were so synchronized…

I assume the synchronization is what caused it…

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Similar situation happened with my Brother and one of his exes. He wasn’t jailed but he was beat up by police. Luckily there were cameras to prove his innocence. She showed up at a bar that he was already at for a long time and called the police and said he was stalking her even though she was the one stalking him. They showed up and beat him up no questions asked. Before they arrived she tried to start an argument with him and and he didn’t respond to her at all.

Some time after that she said that he sent her threatening messages and death threats while crying at the police station. The police showed up at my house because they couldn’t find his house. He lives in the rain forest LMAO. And he wasn’t there. When he came over to my house I asked him for his phone immediately without explanation and he handed it to me. I checked the convos with the girl and she was the one threatening him and sending him death threats. his responses were all one word “cool” after each of her messages. I screen shoted everything and we filed a counter suit. One the day of court she didn’t show up because she was LYING. He didn’t press charges for defamation even though I wanted to. Like I implicitly believe victims. But there are always that 2-3% that lie. Aside from my brother’s incident I only have 1 friend who was falsely accused by a woman. I feel like I’m getting carried away in off topic things. Anywho bbl peeps.


Oh? So it wasn’t there since day 1, yes?

Well… whispering to two technical townies makes the town powerful but I’m not sure if the logic drifts this way…

What is wrong with America? Well, anyways.

Hmmm, now what if the synchronization fails? It really seems that this mechanic is really unique to this game as not many seem to have experience with it…

That’s what “since last night” means…


Proph- Town lean

Right off the bat they are pushing for reasoning behind stated positions which I like. The way they map out interactions and ask prodding questions about reasoning feels like genuine scum hunting to me. I do question if this is not outside their scope as scum given they seem to be a veteran player. Some conclusions I disagree with such as being concerned about Guillo’s lack of care to their pressure. If anything I feel that is more of a town indicator but they voiced it as a concern. I didn’t like their push on me early D1 but they were hitting on my early questions on Erika being somewhat contrived which was very true. Overall I town lean them and am not motivated to consider them for the D2 lynch. I think they are one of those players I just see as capable liers so there is that small voice in me that will always stay suspicious of them regardless of how townie their behavior is. If not for that factor I would put them as more of a town read.


@Silviu200530 psst

They/them pronouns for me pls


I am now here

off topic reply to the false accusation convo

(I’m very sorry about the fact you guyses friends have to go through that, I didnt get so far as to dealing with the law but I dealed with a traumatic amount of bullying in my old middle school because of fake accounts made pretending to be me and the work of something hilarious (/s) called photoshop. People still laugh at me to this day which is sad. I remember looking at the page of my old school a hot while ago and they had this post talking about threats towards school shootings and someone commented “I cant believe [Deadname] is coming back lol” under it.

…yeah theres a reason why i havent dealt with school for a while)

Getting on topic, I dont think I’ll find myself apposing another wagon on wisp if that’s the direction it goes today

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Hi, I’m around for a bit, felt like garbage earlier because my covid shot, but still at work. If y’all have anything you want me to respond to, please ping me.

Can confirm the neighborhood with aelin, but I don’t see much of a point of using it