Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Cheers for that

Yes but wdym paranoia here? Legit just the fact that they could be scum?

yeah, paranoid that he could be deepwolfing
I SRā€™d Proph in the first half of D1 and havenā€™t really gone back to look at my reasons. I know I changed my mind because his posts felt pretty natural and like they had actual thoughts behind them after, but then why did I get the feeling early on that he could be scum?

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Cheers, I get what you mean now

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Also when you post, sup Guillo?

I mean I admit itā€™s weird I forgot why I originally SRā€™d him but still remember why I TRā€™d him after, and I guess that says my reasons for TRing him were stronger than my reasons for SRing him, but yeah it just feeds my paranoia and I owe him an ISO to settle it once and for all at some point. Iā€™m not super interested in solving his slot today, though. Heā€™s less on my priority list than other slots right now.

It all started at EoD2 when i said that if you were scum then I have fallen for your charm, because of some scummy behavior i picked up during that hour, that and Tilgaā€™s legacy on Nikamara and you plus your total shift from you townreading me yesterday to scumreading me because you had to be wrong if you are alive triggered me wanting to challenge that.

Now, i see why there is a big deal of the use of the word thunderdome here, or maybe its everywhere and ive been using it wrong, but when i say letā€™s thunderdome is forcing the player to solve each other, a 1 vs 1. Why?

Because i used that exact same logic in a game where i deepwolfed and won. (High Noon).

  1. I bussed two wolves on Day 2 and Day 3 establishing myself as the town leader and deep wolf.

  2. I townread all game the last other wolf.

  3. Every time someone tried to voice suspicion on my partner, i shift townā€™s attention to them and got them yeeted, it was funny because they were obvious town but never more than myself.

  4. Every night kill was on a loud voice and next day all i said, man if im still alive itā€™s because ive been having bad reads and ive been wrong so this and that could be the last wolf. Case an LHF and got him yeeted and repeat.


This is why when you started today with that same line of logic i became suspicious of you, moreso when you said it must be because of Helz and Proph who maybe have pocketed you and made you mislead everyone else. Thatā€™s scummy, i know itā€™s a scummy tactic because I myself won with it. It was a 19 players mountainous set up with a gladiator mechanic, we needed to secure two mislynches per day it was a tough game.

Given the amount of vanilla flips weā€™ve seen im convinced there are very few power roles in this game if at all. So this must be a tough game for scum right now, and you doing that to flip town against me screams off as you trying to get rid if this loud voice.

So my advice is thst when i flip town, is to finally follow my legacy and the first thing to do is to flip YOU. Unless you reevaluate today.


And please dont answer ā€œoh i havent bussed anyone hereā€

That strategy can be dine with or without bussing

Since when? Im beginning to think you randed wolf.

Like your scum resd on me based on meta from MU i can understand. But this? This is not true, ive seen your town games and you always keep the ball in your hands, whatā€™s going on?

See? Im not the only one that sees it

Honestly, I didnā€™t put much effort into townreading you when I did. I just thought, RTs, and lots of them, must be town. Thatā€™s not a good way to read slots and I admit that. I didnā€™t see a problem with waiting to solve your slot, Helzā€™s or Prophā€™s because I didnā€™t really see any glaring issues that stuck out to me from any of you. But the ones weā€™ve been wagoning have been the outliers, and so far theyā€™ve all flipped town, so thatā€™s actually what sticks out to me and why I starting thinking thereā€™s a wolf in my townreads (I donā€™t know what the consensus is and frankly I donā€™t care). Iā€™ve been loud, Iā€™ve been encouraged to push my reads and give my reasons, and Iā€™ve done so and been consistently wrong. Do you really think town is going to continue to ask me to give my reads and make valid pushes if I have had a 0% accuracy rate?

So Iā€™m looking at the people I was townreading for reasons that I donā€™t think were actually strong enough. Anyone I temporarily shelved for two days is now under question by me, and yes, I have extremely high paranoia when Iā€™m town because Iā€™ve fallen into this trap before in a previous game. If it sounds absolutely ridiculous how specifically Iā€™m pegging the situation here, itā€™s because thatā€™s exactly what happened in Shortnight 2. I made it to LyLo, pushed all the wrong wagons up to that point, and was also wrong in LyLo and didnā€™t call out a single wolf the entire game (and the only time I did, I got manipulated into retracting my read when I said I might vote what turned out to be a wolf in LyLo, and he simply said ā€œI donā€™t want to crossvote youā€ so I didnā€™t vote him).

Ok, so maybe itā€™s a difference in our interpretation of the terminology. Iā€™m totally fine with us solving each other today and Iā€™d rather do that than wait another day, even if it results in neither of us getting yeeted. I interpret thunderdome as a verbal way of gladiating someone, so that all players in the playerlist are asked to pick a side, and thatā€™s why I thought it was an extremely antitown thing to suggest, because if weā€™re T/T the game is guaranteed a town yeet, and thatā€™s not useful, especially if one of us flips town first and then the other gets chain yeeted the day after, wasting two days on resolving the thunderdome.

This gives me a lot more understanding as to why you think Iā€™m wolfing tbh. The difference here is that I havenā€™t bussed anyone, though, and if you ask people who have played with me, theyā€™re probably going to say I will have bussed at least one wolf by now. Itā€™s nothing really in my defense since this is coming from self-meta, but yeah, I wouldnā€™t be flipflopping my readlist like this as a wolf because Iā€™m not actually that good of a wolf, and Iā€™m not an experienced player, either.

I believe you when you say itā€™s scummy. Tilgarial voiced a paranoia read on me and I thought they were scummy, so I see that line of reasoning as being valid even if incorrect. I was wrong about Tilgarial and Iā€™m town, so you could also be wrong about me and be town.

But a question I have for you is, if weā€™ve been going after the wrong wagons every day so far, why donā€™t you think thereā€™s a powerwolf or deepwolf, other than me? I understand your suspicion on me, but if you make the assumption Iā€™m town, whoā€™s the next person youā€™ll accuse of deepwolfing? Because if you have no answer to that, Iā€™m inclined to believe youā€™re the one whoā€™s wolfing here.

I disagree on this. Osieā€™s setups are always fascinating and I would not try to read the number of town PRs off the town flips so far. Thereā€™s also another reason I have hesitation voting a PR claim today, but Iā€™m not going to out it yet. I can talk about it tomorrow if Iā€™m still alive but tbh I donā€™t really care whether I am or not.

Also, the reverse is true - if you think Iā€™m trying to get rid of you as a loud voice, why donā€™t you consider that youā€™re also trying to get rid of me as a loud voice, when I donā€™t even want to lead, and yet you keep going ā€œyouā€™re leading the town in the wrong direction, and if you continue to do this, you must be a wolfā€. That is literally what i think about you, too, so it goes both ways. Setting the town up for flipping me after flipping you is setting them up for a loss already, and you should know that if youā€™re town. You canā€™t threaten me to reevaluate you; thatā€™s not how it works and itā€™s also extremely wolfy.

The last time I got threatened into reevaluating was on Tilgarial in the NUF 2 game here, and they self-voted because I thunderdomed them a day before LyLo, when I was town and they were wolf. Their self-vote gave me pause because they said if they go over that day, and flip town, I should definitely be the yeet for the following day. So I took my vote off them and voted one of my strong townreads because another townie was completely tunnelled on them and guaranteed to vote them in LyLo instead. I wanted them out of the LyLo tinfoil pool, and thought the thunderdome was enough to make people vote Tilgarial the next day, but I got NKā€™d and Tilgarial became a consensus townread again overnight.

So do you see my reasoning for thinking that your words are wolfy?

My vote is staying on you for now. Youā€™ve done absolutely nothing to make me believe youā€™re town, so if we lose the game, itā€™s your fault for thunderdoming me and my fault for accepting it.

I mean to say - in that post I just replied to, I do see things I would understand coming from a town perspective. I donā€™t think everything you say and do is wolfy, and obviously I did not think that earlier in the game. But the way youā€™re going after me and trying to guarantee a wagon on me is absolutely counterproductive to the town. I have not telling people to yeet you when I flip town because Iā€™ve been trying to evaluate you all day, and I donā€™t think thunderdoming you is beneficial, but youā€™re not giving me anything that makes me want to move you up again in my readlist.

EBWOP: I have not been telling people
missed a word there

You forgot to add punctuation.

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also, for context, Iā€™ve had 2 decent wolf games (one won, one lost), one wolf game where alignments werenā€™t randed until D4 (so kind of like conversion) where I didnā€™t do that well but won anyway, and one really shitty wolf game where I got yeeted D1 for just being wolfy lol. So donā€™t read me off what you would do as a wolf. I probably donā€™t wolf like you do.

Not gonna lie, im tunneled into that slot and cant see a way out of it. I think Erika was scum and obviously Chloe occupying that slot means that Chloe is just better at wolfing than Erika.

Here is my problem.

Im having a hard time to find town with the exception of Helz, i think ive scumread every single one of you at one point and that is frustrating me. Like why cant town be easier to find? Then i remember my own line ā€œthe only difference between town and mafia is TMIā€

Who is the town that continues to ask you to give your reads and make valid pushes?


and thatā€™s why I donā€™t think heā€™s town right now