Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Read it again

honestly theres been 400 messages of fluff and filler

what if i am CFTRR tho :flushed:

Then you bus yourself :joy_cat:

is this plurnox btw

Iā€™m happy parking my vote here

/vote Prophylaxis @osieorb18

I hope i spelled that right.

I dont think iā€™ll be able to check this tomorrow for reasons i stated already.


oh i missed the memo on that

/vote Nightingale


/vote Helz

windward is funny lock v
you get to decide my vote for the next 5 minutes

this doesnt apply to min bc min is always funny

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/vote Lemonfairy

Blitz had a valid point about this slot, and I donā€™t really recall seeing much that was memorable except for what looked like a weird exchange between them and PKR on PKRā€™s username.

I really do dislike the TWTBW fallacy. Imo the read is either bad, it fails to take something into account or you are assigning your ego-centric view onto others actions (which again, is a fallacy)

In this situation Guillotina voiced a LHF gambit to break RVS which makes sense.

I think the point was just that Guillotinaā€™s gambit made more sense as a play coming from town than from a wolf because he made it very easy to hop on his wagon. So yeah, I guess itā€™s a bit lazy calling it TWTBAW, but itā€™s more like ā€œonly town would wolf this much and it probably has a purposeā€.

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Let me obvtown myself so I can get night killed super earlyyyyy

pretty much reads as the same thing Wind lol
iF helz/Proph actually happens, I vote Helz, because Proph is my friend :slight_smile:

Aight lol

iā€™d have to be really convinced to vote Proph off on day 1, regardless

theres not even twtbaw

they said they were rting

Yeah but I think PKR gave his read before Guillo revealed the RT? Iā€™ve just been keeping my reads quiet and observing the thread so far so I wonā€™t vouch for my own read on him

I mostly agree but will walk through the next few days mindful of a jester potential. Regardless I will not be voting on Guillotina today between the amount of opportunistic pressure, the Jester potential and the LHF gambit play no scum would pull.

Of the positions voiced it just does not make sense to me for this slot to be considered for D1.

I just thought ā€œthis is unlikely to come from a wolfā€ and thatā€™s as far as my thoughts went

there is not going to be a jester in an Osie game