Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Yh yh, answer is still the same.

Kaif felt townie

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not sure how it got lost in brain translation

this anime seems cooler than I thought. I just got daughterfu vibes mixed with 02 being a total baddie before this.

what about pkr? was it the same opinion on him?

Itā€™s fun to say shit like this out loud cause you canā€™t combat it.

Wiispā€™s thing yesterday was bad. Really fucking bad.

They have a shit push or shit rewind. Either way, they take an L and Kundo takes a dub

I was never wanting to vote PKR. I found him townie.

i see i see, that makes sense then. ty ^^

In fact, you were my option if it was between yourself and PKR. Glad it wasnā€™t yourself or Kaif cause idk who Iā€™d have chosen

why me?

Cause youā€™re null

itā€™s not really my place to chime in here but Wiisp is right ftr lol, I am pretty sure I saw Marl use it in the Steven Universe game and he was wrong (correct me if Iā€™m misremembering, though).

oh, duh, then Iā€™m not even going to bother looking into that again. My question has been answered.

Iā€™m assuming you were one of the few people who remembered that Osie games resolve tied wagons in no-elims, actually, and as I realized that during the Night, it changed my reads on some people for their votes.

Ok, that makes sense. And yeah, Wiispā€™s vote does add up from any perspective. I wanted to see exactly what you had picked up on and I like your response.

I know that was your reason for why ICs didnā€™t exist, but I googled a wiki on Darling in the Franxx kind of early during D1 to make sure I got the general premise of the show, and figured some things out that make this game very interesting (like the thing with the Apes and their sync rate pairings; it didnā€™t surprise me at all and thatā€™s why I was quick to believe Marlā€™s claim based on flavor).

Iā€™m pretty sure Wiisp was insinuating he wouldnā€™t push Proph? He literally said at some point he thought Proph was town, and if it ever came to voting between Helz and Proph, heā€™d vote Helz out first. Did you misinterpret what Wiisp said, or why do you want to force Wiisp to push Proph? I donā€™t get the point of this.

and you still are

Wisp said yesterday that Prop was scum if Wisp lived today. It was fucking horrible. Itā€™s the only thing Iā€™m pushing them on. The fact theyā€™re already backtracking is perfect

oh I thought Wiisp said Proph was scum if Wiisp died at night. Maybe I donā€™t know which of Wiispā€™s posts was the one with the typo, then.

nah m8

My memory is more along the lines of

The problem is Wiisp said both things and clarified that one was a typo but now I donā€™t know which one. Lol

I could be wrong? Kinda put Wiisp in a pool with Wind, Zone and merc where I was not really interested in considering a D1 lynch on them so it was hardly something of note in my mind.

I just assumed he meant to say, Proph would kill Wiisp if Proph is scum, (because Wiisp would be able to catch him)

In the end it actually says nothing about Proph if Wiisp is town since itā€™s an easy trick to pull to frame Proph if heā€™s not scum anyway. But town!Wiisp doesnā€™t make much sense as a night kill regardless, considering he was the CFD target.