Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Chloe’s description on me low efforting in a game where wolves have the upper hand being town indicative, is correct.

Helz - I just repeated old reads, I felt no need to explain my reads once again.

Okay - I just was confused because his first 50 posts made you wolf read him, but his first 50 posts was just basically him OMGUSing me and intentionally making himself scummy to draw reactions.

Yeah I just don’t know what to make of his behavior Today. He’s been constantly picking fights, thunderdoming, and spamming vote Chloe when I have a decent-ish townread on that slot. I don’t know if I believe his claim of PGO.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll have time to do some real-time with him.

Holy smokes does those quotes not apply to me. I hand out naked and dumb town clears way more often as town than as wolf.

The way you describe him makes him sound like town!him not gonna lie. I might just be stuck in a tunnel.

Thats fine. I could totally be wrong.

I am going to read through you and see if you had reasoning that justifys that statement though. All likely town on a block of 4 players is one hell of a statement.

I don’t think I’ve actually talked much about Wiisp? I don’t remember why I town lean them but I remember doing it at some point. Might have been due to wagon formations or something.

Oh, I think Aelin could be wolf. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

So here are my answers to these questions I’ve listed out, after now reading the thread:

My smooth brain wants to say that there’s a dichotomy between Wisp and Guill, because I really don’t know if osie would put two roles that punished wolves for killing them in the same setup. But my issue with Wisp is that… we just haven’t worked together at all this game. Normally right now is where Wisp and I would be working together to solve the game and he’s just… There.

He claims to scumread Aelin but hasn’t put in the legwork to case her nor to convince us why she’s mafia. He’s just chilling tunneling her. Maybe this is because he’s not keeping up with the game thread (it was horrible for me to slog through) but I just feel like if he is town then he would have extended the olive branch or try to make some effort to work with me or something. I know he claimed Babysitter but… why would you not doc Marl N1? It’s not like you were gonna get nightkilled N1.

After looking at Nika’s posts today I am not especially inspired. My main thing that’s concerning me is their constant pleas that we need to “resolve” Blitz and Merc, but there’s not really any effort here to reach out to them and ask them questions. It’s mostly just voting them. I looked at their reasoning for scumreading Blitz and it’s just sheeping Lemonfairy’s case from EoD2. Idk. The way they claimed looked really legit, and I have no meta on this player so I don’t know how their town or scum game looks like. But I feel like there should be some effort here to actually question Blitz/Merc and there just isn’t.

I think Helz /may/? be deep, and Guill may be deep. I don’t think it’s Windward. I also need to reread Lemon. They have been completely absent for most of Day 3.

I hate to say this but I think Wisp is probably a wolf, for reasons stated above. Aelin… I see Chloe’s case on them but I don’t think Chloe/Wisp are wolves together, and I have a stronger scumread on Wisp. Also the case against Aelin seems to be mostly meta/tone related? Like I remember being impressed with her case on Wisp.

Erika is now Chloe, and I think that slot is probably town. I had very little read on Erika and I’ve really liked Chloe’s posts since they’ve replaced in.

I do recall Windward talking about how Luk is lock town because of the IC = Child reaction. I’m not… 100% sure if I buy that, but I’m willing to look elsewhere for now.

I did like how Wisdom responded to me about their read on Guill, and someone had a read where they pushed against thread consensus when replacing in. I don’t know how much I necessarily buy that read, but I’m fine tabling off Wisdom for today similar to Luk.

I still have no friggin clue about Derps.

I wanted to look at min’s wolfgame :x - maybe tomorrow.

Has Blitz actually done anything today besides changing their avatar to Chip?

Not particularly? I was thinking they may have been town at EoD2 but I will try to read through them later.

Vote Wisp @osieorb18

Hate to go back to this, but I just feel like if he was town, he would have reached out to me at least once. :man_shrugging:

My reads are in this post if you tldr’d my last four ones.

Good night. I’m done spending 2+ hours on mafia for gods sake

Hello :]
@Chloe ily

Your questioning of me on D1 was really really good. You asked good questions and didn’t follow it up horribly and on D2 you showed me your reads with good reasoning that helped me see a lot of your reasons.

@Chloe can u elaborate on ur read onnn lin example wise when ur able 2

So yeah here are some walls, I’d appreciate if people who I asked questions to took the time to respond

I’ll be back tomorrow and at EoD

I am exhausted

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Hello exhausted, I’m Silviu.

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funny video I saw


Will brb


I was hoping more that you could point to specific posts from me but alright

Can you tell me why you’re voting/scumreading Blitz aorn? What is your general view of the game state? Who do you think are the wolves?

(sorry if this is in your iso, im on mobile)

You’ve posted a fair bit today but I can’t really recall your specific stances. I know you voted Helz at one point?

I like what either Erika or Nika is doing with the idea of resolving Blitz. They haven’t been townier and they were a wagon at EoD2 that with the second EoD was changed. There’s no new reason that they shouldn’t be the lynch.

It wasn’t a bit. I fully admit that I saw the situation, understood the emergence of a tie, and took the opportunity to execute my suspect.

Hm… okay.

Hooray, I am a blind spot! \o/
Honestly, the past 23 hours has been a blast.
I don’t plan to do much anymore though.
I already gave my everything at SOD3.
Now I am just waiting for EOD3.

My god why do quotes fall to shit when you copy/paste them >.<