Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I find their vibe closer to their town game than their scum game but that might just be my opinion. You’re free to make your own!

Silv was the one who started a counter wagon on Wind which changed the course on Wisp, not to mention Tilg did that too. That’s unhelpful. Do you remember who else shifted to Wind there?

Then we have me starting Tilg wagon after he voted Wind and then Wind starting merc wagon only to flip flop back to Tilg and you breaking the tie. I feel like analysing that led me to a pile of dead ends X-x

Analyzing my own votes definitely led me to a pile of dead ends so I don’t put it past any other townies to do the exact same thing, unfortunately :confused:

because sometimes I procrastinate

bites Blitz

I may or may not be making a Wiisp wall
anyone want me to ping them when it’s done?

idk how useful or spicy it will be yet

I realized now what I did :rofl: welp. feel like clearing me based on that is angleshooty and it should be disregarded.

off topic: I had some work emergencies and then a personal emergency which made me abandon even hosting my own game for a day. I told my players I can’t process the actions because I’m exhausted and will do it tomorrow. I was tired for a lot of reasons and just completely ignored my responsibilities outside of work. I even wanted to sub out of this game, but as a host myself I know how sad it is when ppl sub out and since the phases are so long I feel like I could try to scrap up some time to play and hang in there. And I have a good therapist who is helping patch me up XD


Why are you casing someone who already flipped scum? Or do you mean you’re association reading them?

not a case
I didn’t say case

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At the very least, I hope your week goes better from now on :sweat_smile:

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I feel the same, I aint about to iso Silv and figure out why though XD. I feel like Derps gives the vibe of a more experienced player than Silv and would thus be the bigger threat. Unless scum had the same logic, thought maybe Derps would be protected and so aimed for Silv.

what is NKA? You can do Nika if you’d like. As long as you’re not younger than 21.

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Yeah Derps is way more experienced than Silviu.

NKA = night kill analysis

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Night Kill Analysis

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ok never mind already answered
I’m slow at typing

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No worries lol, I answer things late all the time xD

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the biggest reason I am town reading min is because she was afraid to be tainted by association to a possible Tilg scum flip. that reaction was pure town.


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Well all caught up now. tentatively placing my vote here for now. good night lovely people.

vote: Whysper

@osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

Who did whys replace I’m confusef

I forgot lmao