Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Zone’s Unofficial Votecount

Accused Voter Number
Lemonfairy Prophylaxis, min, Zone_Q11, Whysper 4/8
Helz TheLukundo, Wisdom 2/8
Whysper Chloe, Nikamara 2/8
Wisdom Blitz 1/8
Zone_Q11 Mercenary 1/8
Not Voting Aelin, Helz, Lemonfairy, SirDerpsAlot, WindwardAway 5

@WindwardAway, stop making wallposts and start actually voting someone.
@Helz, vote someone of relevance unless you want me to attract attention to your wagon.
@Lemonfairy, start spewing people town so I don’t have to work once you flip scum.

Oh, I didn’t think you were quite so certain on this yet. I thought it was more a suspicion you were probing. Okay, I’ll give this some thought. I had Helz down as TL, but I did like your questioning and it does make me wonder.

I’m at 80 there

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Speak of the devil

Going to drop off here since I should be in bed by now. I’ll read up on what happens next between you both. :slight_smile:

cya, Whysper

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So Luk is town for not being confident on the lynch but I am scum for it although you acknowledge wolves would milk the situation for town cred and bus?
I really feel like you have contradicted yourself here. Can you more clearly explain your reasoning?

Maybe I have some tunnel vision but I keep getting drawn to Luk. I look at some stuff and feel like they are town but then it’s like their focus feels like driving an agenda

Then vote him. Your voice matter less than your vote when it comes to VCA.

You do you man. If you choose to pushing a lynch on me while my hands are tied like some are that’s your decision.

I want to vote lemon right now but I do not like that I don’t have the time or ability to really dig into them. I might go on wisdom because I feel like I have suspected them every single day of this game and they just never look any better.


Votee Voted by Votes
Lemonfairy min, Zone_Q11, Whysper 3/8
Helz TheLukundo, Wisdom 2/8
Whysper Chloe, Nikamara 2/8
Wisdom Blitz 1/8
Zone_Q11 Mercenary 1/8
Not Voting Aelin, Helz, Lemonfairy, Prophylaxis, SirDerpsAlot, WindwardAway 6

Remember to tag the hosts and make your vote extra visible (Separate line, bold) if you want it to reliably be counted. (This includes Eli.)

Also ping us for any missed votes or errors, thanks!

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Alrighty then

bro i’ve been here for like
barely over a day
but i’ve still done a shit ton

How did I contradict myself?
I even said I believe your vote is NAI there, but if I had to stretch a read from it, i’d call it wolfy. Why did you cut my sentence in half lol

Lukundo expressed doubts at the speed of the wagon. When I was catching up I had the same thoughts. Things were too quick for my liking which tends to signal a villager is on the block, or a wolf is being hardbussed. This is >rand to be a villager mindset, as it’s a nautral thought to have, whereas wolves are likely more focused on getting on the wagon in general and remaining firm. Expressing doubt on a runaway wolf wagon is much more likely to come from a villager
Wisp pretty much dies there no matter what unless wolves put in some legwork. Wolves were doing one of two things in my opinion:

  1. Jumping on the wagon for credibility
  2. Attempting to change the wagon and save Wisp

Lukundo may have gotten off the wagon and expressed doubt but he didn’t shuttle votes elsewhere, and his reasoning for doing so felt like a true genuine concern

You jumping on the wagon fits point 1, as it was runaway by that point and extremely likely that Wisp goes over. Your reasons were mechanical and shallow, but ‘good enough.’ Hence why if I had to stretch it, I’d call it wolfy

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I like the part where you called yourself v in that Chloe.


But yeah. That basically.

what where am i dumb

oh the ‘mindmeld’ shit

i didnt even intend to do that
i just meant it as an example of it being a natural thought lol


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o, hello Prop wall

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My main concerns with Helz stem from a few things:

  • He keeps pushing people who are villagers, or who I believe to be villagers, Yes, I’m preflipping a bit, but I’m still comfortable in a lot of my townreads.
  • He’s attempting to gain credibility from a vote on Wisp that should net a total of 0 townpoints
  • His OMGUS feels faked and un-emotional. (A majority of his posts feel robotic, but I just don’t feel any fire when he turns on people sussing him. It feels like doing things you think a villager would do - but it could very well be personality differences I guess)
  • It’s been 3 days and he has 0 pelts. (I also disliked his attempt at a ‘competition’ earlier which felt super slimy)

(The following are based off of memory from skimming the thread and not being here in realtime. I’m actually re-reading these parts right now to make sure I’m not crazy):

  • Response to the attempted Wisp CFD was terrible
  • Response to the attempted Wind CFD was terrible
  • Attempt to CFD to Luk was terrible

unfortunately im also really intimidated by the dude for whatever reason