Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

PKR is a wolf i think

I give it ~2 hours.
And youā€™ll change your mind.

As youā€™re usually right.

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he has an extreme three midgets in a trenchcoat vibe right now

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Confused laughing intensifies
Okay then. Thank you for improving my day



Youā€™re welcome Tilgarial.

/Vote Tilgarial @osieorb18

But I wasnā€™t joking :slight_smile:

o shit, Helz.


Helz is typing up a storm

Kek, sure thing
Come back when you actually have something to sus me on

He does. He uno reversed. Are you dumb?

(How strikethrough pls)

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Hm, interesting reaction.
I like it.

You seem to not be overly confident that youā€™ll avoid sussing yourself.
But it could just be that youā€™re a wolf expecting that you may slip in the future.

For now Iā€™ll give you a pass.
But youā€™ve certainly given me food for thought.

/Unvote @osieorb18

Yeah, but he handed it to me, so now itā€™s mine. I could just give it back and start a cycle!

(Dunno how to strikethrough, never bothered asking orz)

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Biggest brain

Itā€™s a shame you donā€™t know

PKR, I will tunnel you

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I understand his reasoning now in line with a ā€˜town slipā€™ kinda thinking. When I was initially very pinged by his read it was because I did not see how someone could be town read for voteparking a skip day and dodging questions.

I am still not comfortable with the situation. Although I now feel her reasoning could match her read the fact I went from a town read to a scum read then back to a town lean did not feel great. I also feel there is potential Mercenary was shading me for my thoughts on Lemon and Guillotina more than actively seeing them as scummy

I look at this and it makes sense; But not in context to my posts. I have talked about Guillotine quite a bit and the central point I have made is that their behavior did not make sense to me as a town or scum play but could as a jester or LHF gambit. Thats very directly considering their thought process.
Then theres shading my words on Lemon.

Sure, I did not consider a thought process. But how the fuck could I? I am talking about the ratio of high post count to low substance. What possible thought process could I break down in pointing out that pattern?

I caught some sleep and am catching up but this morning I am still suspicious of Mercenary. Overall that push on me just did not feel natural.

Give me the code.


Do it. I dare ya

Honestly Iā€™ve already got someone who I think is probably just town, misreading me already thinking of me as scum (Marl)

So Iā€™d be happy to have a second one Lukundo

Hold on, you guys skip D1s?

ā€¦- - -ā€¦