Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

PKR why are you acting like three midgets in a trench coat

^That with the context of me openly voicing my Tiger push was breaking RVS. I could rehash that point but I feel like I have done so enough last night

Because Iā€™m having a fun time rn.
Like thereā€™s no stress, no panic at all.
The more people that sus me, the more power I feel.

Because Iā€™m just exuding chaotic energies.
And in the end, people will realise the truth and sigh at it.

Which makes me smile somewhat.

ā€œUgh PKR is actually town? Why?ā€

Youā€™re not out of the woods but youā€™ve at least climbed down the tree.

**/vote Silviu200530 ** @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

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r u dum


osie and Eli, ily both.

Just accept it.


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Marl 100% is going to be annoyed and townread me later and hate that he knows Iā€™m town.
Honestly it gives me pleasure.

Itā€™s kinda sadistic

Marl could just be mafia pushing me to see if I crack to be testing for NeutKR instead of TownKR.

But I still think theyā€™re town more likely than not.

Also, time to go back in time and answer something a bit more genuinely I guess.
@Tilgarial the reason I claimed just town instead of claiming a specific role or defending myself isā€¦

Based on the OP, I would guess mafia probably have some sort of claimvig.

By just claiming town, they donā€™t know if Iā€™m VT, if Iā€™m PRā€¦ What my flavour isā€¦ Itā€™s just a fun tease of ā€œtry to get me to crack and give in. I dare you.ā€

Okay then; that actually makes some sort of sense as to why you did what you did the way you did it
I still donā€™t see why you did it, though
I mean, if there is only 1 faction, then basically everybody else is town to them; then what you did made absolutely no difference
And if there are 2 mafia factions, I dunno hoe likely additional kill abilities are. This doesnā€™t seem to be rolemadness to me

Nice soft you have going on there buddy. But I agree with your own conclusion at the end.

I donā€™t think weā€™d have 2 mafia factions unless itā€™s 2 in each with a neut (killer) as a 5th non-townie.

But then thereā€™s a chance of cross killing and with so few members on each team, itā€™d be too risky one side gets annihilated

As for the 1 mafia faction, I get you. But, they could think Iā€™m a neutral. Heck, they might even think Iā€™m a neutral evil with how Iā€™m acting. But Iā€™m instead teasingly telling them Iā€™m town so their dreams wonā€™t come true there~

Well, actually.
Weā€™re 21 people. Two mafia factions would be 3/3 since 2/2 is too low, but 4/4 too much
2 night kills, one per faction.
One lynch.
3 deaths per day.

So even if no mafia is found and no mafia kill hits the other faction, itā€™d be a minimum of 5 days before town is down, excluding something like a neutral killing role is around to make it faster
So, yeah, okay, maybe there is another killing role.
I guess weā€™ll see it at SOD2, though

Good morning : )

Just about caught up now. Once I get some coffee in me I will be human again

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Persoanlly if we factor in the neighbourhood, I feel like it would more likely be a singular mafia faction and 2-3 neutrals

15v3v3 seems a little bit unbalanced in favour of scum.
Especially if I consider some stuff on top of it.

So Iā€™m not going to consider a 3v3 multiball

Wellā€¦ okay then.
I guess Iā€™m just a bit annoyed with you for a reason thatā€™ll become clear by EOD and that Iā€™m not revealing yet, but doesnā€™t have anything to do with your particular play specifically >.>

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Pffft haha.
I think I know why youā€™re annoyed with me.
And I kinda like it.

My very first game was a 21er multiball (3/3) rolemadness and it ended in a neutral (conversion type) win, though

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Nowā€¦ I might like neutrals.
But this sounds sinful.

I remember being in a game with a sort of neutral conversionā€¦ and I didnā€™t particularly like it.