Death City - (0/19 Players) - [8/8 Blood Moons] - Game Over - Geyde, Solic, and Apprentice won!

on average people will be there

Elected Voters Votes
Apprentice Whysper, SIlviu, Geyde, Italy, WWA, Jane 6/7

And now watch App execute Jane this chapterā€¦ :slight_smile:

can you call executions on yourself

you can self vote
you can self vote

gorta joins thread
makes a statement
then just
does nothing

gorta moment

Iā€™m looking at upgrading my laptop ram currently

thatā€™s cool

That seems like a good thing to do when your bodyguard target has died and you have no one left to bodyguard

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Merc update for FoL

When your contracts die you upgrade your laptop ram


I asked
for ONE thing

and he didnā€™t do it

this is going to take forever

ā€œWelp Iā€™m outta work, time to upgrade shitā€

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Why does this sound like a cyberpunk merc though lol

listen here, when I figure out whatā€™s compatible it should take JUST a few minutes

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what do you mean I canā€™t buy money

/vote App

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Time to upgrade your bank account


Do you have a dead family member or significant other? Well, it is time to upgrade
Upgrade what?

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