Death City - (0/19 Players) - [8/8 Blood Moons] - Game Over - Geyde, Solic, and Apprentice won!

I avenged the victim. I mean, attempted murderer… I mean, both. Oh heck, who knows anymore?

Death City + VLR prisoner’s dilemma instead of public executions would be fun

While they have nothing fire related. :upside_down_face:

We’re just slowly going to bring death city into more genre ideas


I looked at that stuff
Didn’t like it as much

The sheer power of grenades this game
Holy shit

Geyde did you encounter land mines when you tried to escape or not?

I think Alice forgot about them

Obama is immune to landmines

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Mafia style voting for executions feels out of place

The ally / betray mechanic would add more socially

land what

i encountered them
i knew they were dangerous
so i planned to make kyo go first

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It doesn’t have interactions I like

I planted land mines before the gates of glory… kind of just because to be honest.

prisoner’s dilemma isn’t as fun as collecting keys

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It has an element of luck iirc


Also keys means you explore

I actually felt like it really kinda worked in its own place.
Like, there were roles around the execution system which kinda just kept it having its own place?

Idk how you’d sorta make the a/b mechanic work role wise in comparison

Which is a desirable outcome