Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

No one here.

this is different because this term is engrained in hundreds and hundreds of years of history of cruel and brutal racism. Nothing else is.

that doesn’t matter
this was taken as a decision by the mafia community as a whole

So if I was to say ‘I better not go over to those protestors and tell them to stay 2 metres apart, or they might have me lynched’ I’m being racially insensitive?

I’m not fighting this initiative. I think it’s an over-reaction and a bit silly, but it doesn’t matter to me.

What I won’t accept is that the word lynch is inherently racially charged.

correct me if i’m wrong but you’re white, correct?

I get mildly uncomfortable when people use EST for assuming everyone should know the American defaults when there is decades of a military coup here financed the USA and other places for the American imperialism

Yeah I can see how.


You can make a historic explanation for every term.

i mean same
that’s why i try to use GMT whenever possible

that doesn’t make this okay, though

Some are more easily associated with others ie gas chamber
I don’t think the lynch association is strong enough

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right, now imagine if you’re a black person walking up to… say a weird 3A protest by a bunch of angry old white men, and you ask them to maintain social distancing, and they say “don’t do that or we’ll lynch you”, and your grandfather was lynched.

regardless of the man’s intentions, that was racially insensitive

now imagine you go home and learn about this cool new Mafia game that you like the sound of on the ToL discord, but you hear everybody talking about “lynching this” and “lynching that”? you’re undoubtedly going to be just a bit uncomfortable

i think the association is very strong for african-americans in the deep south

if we just switched to execute or eliminate, words that we can easily adapt our language to, then nobody needs to be uncomfortable, because those words are used in a far more general context than lynching

for the record, im jewish, and i’ve never seen anyone use that term. it should be banned but like i said no one uses it

The biggest issue is how current and terrifying the issue of systemic racism against black people is. there’s no reason to fight this because of how small of an inconvenience it is.

If you have issues with other terms, then bring them up separately. Two unacceptable terms cannot fucking be used to cancel out each other to keep them both legal.

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That’s slightly different - since that is a threat, where as I used it in it’s most common use today - Hyperbole.

technically any person of any race could be lynched
technically any person of any race could be killed in a gas chamber

but those causes of death have specific associations that can make certain people of those races very uncomfortable in the right circumstances, precisely because of the racial connotations

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it’s true that suicide could be personally insensitive, but it’s not knowingly offensive to certain members of a racial community and kept around by people who were generally not the victims of mass, targeted racist killings

i agree that suicide as a flavour should be phased out, though. like, Desperados should just be unable to bring themself to kill villagers in their duels and die by that player’s hand, for example.

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I’m only arguing that lynching is not inherently racially charged, not that change is wrong.

I think it’s kinda silly, but whatevs. It’s not that important.

but in mafia it’s not really hyperbole, is it? it’s the forceful elimination of you by other players from the game. in the context of the game, the phrase has weight that could bring back unfortunate memories