Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

I am still thinking if I agree with the concept of a mafia general community or not

Right, but in the mafia context, it also doesn’t have the racial element (Unless some toxic a hole named the scum faction ‘Monkeys’ or something) either.

but in the real world it does. it has the weight in mafia and the racially charged context in the real world. it’s obvious that for some people that could make the prospect of playing the game very uncomfortable

But so should any lynching synonym. Other than banishment or exile or such like, where the flavour is altered.

Are people really using the argument

“omg, if we can’t use this word, these PC losers aren’t going to let us use any words any more. I guess we won’t be allowed to say kill in the future. Is this what you want, forums!!!”

like that’s a slippery slope fallacy.

You can say that people are overblowing it by asking nicely to maybe use a word less (and not use it in OPs).

But using this argument is the textbook example of overblowing something

execute is a girsly term with no racial connotations, because while it is true there were racist executions that does not mean that it’s specifically and overwhelmingly targeted at a specific race, because it refers to a longstanding practise performed by absolutely every culture on absolutely every group

There’s a lot of lingo and accepted terms in FM that could cause offense to a specific group of people if they went looking to get offended though.

people don’t go looking to get offended

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But I bet people around the world have had someone (Rightly or wrongly) executed. So that could also offend.

That isn’t going to happen though.

maybe suicide gets phased out. It could be changed to “died of guilt” or something.

But nobody is going to really strongly argue to remove any other word and thinking they will is a poor way of being conditioned.

but lynch is a very specific word that has been used in a very specific context for such a long time that it’s become divorced from its’ original meaning for a lot of people

execute is just a word

i’ve literally never seen or met a single person who actively goes looking to get offended by things and I do not get why people think that kind of person exists

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its those gosh dang SJWs ruining our FM gaems!!111!

But why is execute accepted as just a word, and lynch is not?

Like I say, I don’t oppose the change as proposed here, but I object to the idea that lynch is racially charged word.

I’ve explained why. Because for a long time in recent history, if you heard the word lynch, you were hearing it describing the unjust killing of a black person 19 times out of 20

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it’s a fact that it has been for hundreds of years, while other things haven’t

I think it’s kind of a stupid change but like


Get over it, it’s not a big deal


Lynch has been racially charged and is still recent enough that people may have family members that were lynched or a family history of that.

Execute is a word and has no racial tension


Black people in the US are executed far more than other races in the US.

I just set my phone autocorrect to change lynch to execute lol