Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

Friendly reminder to let the discussion stay civil.

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It is not, really, but I don’t see reason to change that is greater than the convenience.

You still can, actually

Hosts are just encouraged not to

I am not personally offended by the word

I will admit that I think the word is a little… behind the times.
I feel better not using it personally at least

I think the change to make people less uncomfortable, at least when reading OPs, and that very minor inconvenience is something I don’t understand why people are arguing against.

Replacing lynch isn’t terribly inconvenient, we just don’t think it is necessary

That’s the core of the issue and any other argument will get circular.


and i’m saying we might as well sort this out, nip this in the bud, so it won’t become an issue later on

and I think it is worth waiting until it is an issue later on

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I think that’s a very poor ideology for like… all things

And I think someone will have to consciously decide to make it an issue, as opposed as innocently joining and encountering an issue.

But w/e. It doesn’t make a huge difference. Just a facepalm moment for me.

but the “cost” as it were for the change is the time it takes for us to get used to the new terminology, and when the old terminology is a problem, it makes sense to take preemptive action

There’s a difference between something that is evolving to become a conflict (ie a totalitarianist party gaining power) and something that will only become a conflict on a binary situation (ie someone getting here and getting offended by the use of the word)

Anyone not excited to be allowed to scream dybu dabu “name” at people should be indefinitely banned.


I don’t think it is a problem, but if you guys now get uncomfortable with using lynch it is fine for me.
I too would get uncomfortable with gas chamber.

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no, I won’t, because to me it is just a word, but it isn’t to everyone
i do not get where this obsession with people trying to get offended comes from

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But there would be circumstances in another forum game - say some sort of exploration game with potential for death/injury - where the use of Gas chamber would be acceptable ie: If a player was trapped in a room literally filling with poisonous gas.

Like most things, context matters

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lots of people are really afraid of “PC culture” and “SJWs” or whatever it is

they think that there are people who look to change anything slightly bad and want to take away all free speech in our country or something

i mean there are obviously people who are too easily offended, and there are obviously some people who actually do seek to be offended by things, but I think the idea that there’s a shadowy cabal of people trying to be offended by everything is ridiculous

and before you ask there’s a difference between that and being an outrage merchant

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So I’m not judging intrisecally the word because that’s an exercise in futility
I just care if someone here gets uncomfortable with the word because I don’t think we should adapt because of other communities or for prevention

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Ok, last thoughts on the matter.

Does lynch have a racial context in fm? No.

Should we resist anyone saying it does and tell them to stop being so silly? Yes

Would it be a little tone deaf to persist in the current social climate? Probably, yes.

Does the change materially affect the game? No

So what should we do in conclusion? Sigh, roll our eyes and make a change.


So as I keep saying that’s the point, the outweigh between the wish of other communities or prevention and our particular convenience.
Which is something that can’t be discussed per se.