Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

Enough people have complained about lynch on ToS

and if people are going to fight this hard to keep a racially charged word around because… idk, convenience? setting an example? then i’ll let them but I think it’s kind of silly.

Execute is a common term throughout all cultures, though- it’s not a fairly recent word etymologically that for a significant portion of its’ lifetime has referred to the racist killing of black people.

and when they are still allowed to say it it makes me understand the fight for the word even less

Real discussion boils to “do you accept the mafia community as a whole should adopt a change because some communities had people getting offended”

this is a horrific understatement
greater convenience is not worth this

and I say yes, because people should feel comfortable playing on any site terminology-wise. all that should decide which site you play on is the community and the quality of the games.


I will say I don’t really get the point of editing hosts who use it if they can change it back

But idrc

I disagree with the premise is the issue. I’m also not fighting to keep the word either. If people/The mods want to change it - fine, but they should know that it is an over reaction and that lynch accurately described the flavour of the mechanic.

The thing is that it is not something you can discuss
It boils down to a votation of sorts

if we, as a community, wish to fight against something that was unfairly implemented because other communities wanted it, I have faith that we could.

But this?

this is not worth fighting against

The mentioned communities should in fact change their terminology
But I don’t see why we need to enforce a change until someone complains about it >here<

because people should feel comfortable playing here for one-off games from offsite?

So as you see it becomes a vote of yes/no because it isn’t really discussable

i think the rage i have shown against your line of argument has shown that i care about it, a lot
P sure others like marshal, arete, and more care too

it doesn’t make us uncomfortable but guys
this hasn’t been imposed upon us
the mods were part of the discussion

It’s older than that

Liar’s Club admins have been doing this since before M451

Basically I think the greater convenience is worth the unprevention of someone getting offended as no one here had a particular negative reaction until now although it happened in another community

You guys believe that avoiding someone coming to play here and getting offended because other mafia communities have show discontentment is greater than our convenience

It’s not something discussable. It boils down to a vote.

really not that inconvenient to not say lynch

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Right. Fine. I would argue just because you find it offensive, doesn’t mean you get to decide it is offensive.

Nobody has a right to go through life not being offended.

I find it even more trivial that an alternative suggested was ‘cuddle’ - that’s making light of the word and leads to the issues surrounding this idea seem trivial too. I’m surprised the Op didn’t include ideas such as ‘Become a furry’ or ‘Dabbing on the haters’

But I’ve said what I wanted. Do as you wish.