Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

Someone really should consider make a “dybu dabu” dictionary so we could spread it‘s greatness to all forums.


Okay, problem is simple.

If you still want to play on any of the following sites:

Liar Club
Mafia 451
Mafia Colosseum
Mafia Universe
Pokemon Showdown
Student Doctor Network
Throne of Lies
Town of salem

Then you will not use word “lynch”.
I am literally only mod (on round table) who was actively against the change.

Sure, changes are introduced in small steps, but all this communities of round table decided to move away from this word.

So… sure, we can carry on, but that’s not gonna hold for long if everyone else is gonna consider it racist.


Welp time to be permabanned i guess.


Quick #WeAreAllDeleter

wait how did I not hear about this wh

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Wondering how I didn’t hear about this one too

hpm is kinda dead

and it was never brought up :thinking:

Those are all the communities in the round table

They will all be moving away from the use of “lynch” and asking players to replace it

We may have done this before some of them

weird I knew nothing about this till now lmao

they have FM?!

regardless this is just gonna be a thing now

don’t think it actually effects too much

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shit’s wack, i do think it’s a stupid change since people aren’t using it as a racial slur and i didn’t even know it was one until this drama but if we’re forced to do it cause of the round table thing, then i guess i just gotta get used to it even tho it doesn’t really make sense


Can tell you that this whole charade will disappear in time. We’ve just got to wait until people realise it’s stupid.

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eh, ppl can be pretty obstinate - especially on the internet about politics and stupid shit

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There is actually an international government for FM communities?

politics bad

friendships good

International Friendship :tm:


politics bad

hate causes doom

International Friendship forever

im pissing on the moon



Like I said ‘to Lynch’ is a verb - to kill (typically by hanging) someone accused of some slight or crime without trial or due process. It explains the flavour of day voting very well - that’s why town people can inadvertently vote to kill fellow town folk. It’s a nuance that alternative to lynch miss out on. Lynch is not a racist term, it’s tangently associated with it, like death is to the Holocaust - but nobody is saying we should change how we described ‘Removed’ players, and that descirbing them as ‘dead’ could be offensive.

Everyone has the responsibility to not be offensive - but that does not give anyone the right to not be offended.

The heart of this idea is good, but it feels a tad SJW-y - “Look at how Woke I am by not using ‘Lynch’ as a mechanic flavour name”. It trivialises an important issue by tricking people that by changing this one thing, they Are doing their part when clearly that is wrong. If people want to stamp out racism and prejudice, they need to actually commit to - and demand - real world changes.



why do we care

even if we assume it is literally only virtue signaling

where is the negative effect on us


Like you can roll your eyes all you want

And I think what happened in champs really makes this discussion harder than it needs to be so extra fuck that guy

But like

It really doesn’t hurt everyone to have site standards change