Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

Anyways it’s p late so I’ma head to bed

don’t blow anything up while I’m out

I disagree with this on this site
I think this is true for every other one I’ve been on

Someone make the obvious joke

I’m talking people in charge nerd

But ‘To lynch’ is a verb. It’s less racially charged than say ‘Segregation’ - and ‘to segregate’ is also, just a verb.

I don’t think verbs should be banned because you can connect them to something unpleasant or that makes you feel uncomfortable for 2 reasons.

  1. You don’t have the right to not feel uncomfortable. We should all do our best to make each other feel comfortable, but no one has a right to comfort.

  2. It makes you feel uncomfortable? Good. All the more reason to continue using it - to remind you how F upped the world is, and what to avoid. If yeeting Lynch from games avoids those thoughts, that is not a good thing. Out of sight, out of mind so they say.


Eevee tried valiantly.


You’re thinking too hard about this.

I feel this initiative stems from someone doing the same thing.

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You don’t see me liking the change

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It’s raising hell over not that much when fm is entirely divorced from reality in a big way
But the reason for the change exists

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Think of it this way

The most common use of that verb is “Lynch xxx”

That specific connotation is pretty racially charged, dont you think?

Similar to “totalitarian” - you can discuss things and say that word, but if you use that word on someone, then big no no

Out of context yes

Flavorless fm 2021

The game will start in the Discussion period, during which a vote is held. If majority is reached, that player is yeeted from the game. Following this phase, the Secret role action phase begins.

During this phase, the Informed Minority faction will choose someone to be removed from further participation in the game.

The Uninformed majority will have several roles which take actions to, such as the Informed minority detector, Secret action preventor and Secret action that removes players from further game participation preventor.

Imagine yourself as a person of color
20 people come charging at you and say "lynch this (bad word here) now

Cant be fun

Fyi this is more of a “Why was this rule put in place” ect. than what the rule actually is
I personally don’t have any special connection to the word lynch, but some of the reasons why we’re moving away from it and how we’re moving away from it are concerning

I have yet to see anybody geniunely offended by this word (I personally don’t believe the instigator was offended; but that’s another topic)
I do not like how we’ve been pressured by other communities nor do I like the way we’re implementing it with hosting. It makes no sense.
I also don’t like how we’re banning a word based off of someone using it in the wrong context. I don’t care what the word is. It’s the fact we’re banning a word that is otherwise acceptable to say.

It just screams that moderation is being peer pressured
I do not like it

This is blowing it a bit out of proportion


We would be playing fm
FM is very clearly game

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I could say “I want to f-ing kill cloned cheese” during an FM.

That could offend you. That’s on you though. You don’t have a right to not be offended.


I imagine thats why this whole thing started

Personally have nothing against this “enforcement”

It’s a game
Not related to reality in slightest

I don’t think that’s an unreasonable stance to take in this situation