Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

I actually fully agree with way Mods are doing this which is rare cuz I usually immediately want to disagree with anyone with any sort of authority.

Making Hosts who carefully plan games take it out of their OP’s and stuff makes sense, and so does understanding that in a high pressure environment like FM, players typing fast will say Lynch occasionally and shouldn’t be punished.

By taking it out of formal host vocabulary itll inevitably become less said amongst players in the long term anyways.

I will say that changing Lylo and Mylo seems unnecessary.


I can see all the confused newbies already lmao

“what does lylo mean”
“it means l-- er… cuddle correctly or lose”
“why is it called lylo”

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it’s not “a racist slur”, but even so it should be changed
what it actually does is it makes people uncomfortable and is a barrier to entry for some african-americans

things can have racist and problematic connotations without being outright fucking slurs

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like if we suddenly went out of our way to have every single rolecard have a sexualised anime girl there I’d be made uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean that using anime girls is aphobic. it just means that it’s a bit uncomfortable for me, specifically.

you simply have to imagine that there is a small but significant group of people who cannot play mafia because it’s not just a few games which have the proverbial anime tiddies, but all of them do, and people get offended if you suggest that maybe they shouldn’t be used by both the host and the players in every single game.

in the end the game should be enjoyable, and quite frankly making our vocabulary be a bit more awkward just so some people don’t feel uncomfortable and will have more fun with the game is ultimately a worthwhile trade

tl;dr the word lynch isn’t inherrently racist but it has connotations that make some people uncomfortable and the use of the word should not be ubiqitous for that reason

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/cuddle my katze


it’s not our fault anyway
the game came from Russia, and over there lynching has no racial connotations and just means a mob killing
it’s just in the US there’s a bloody history to the term after the racists appropriated it to justify their hate crime

/cuddle Icibalus
Rip that I stopped playing FM, it would have been a great excuse to cuddle everyone

history time! The term originated from an unnofficial court run by one Colonel Lynch, and in fact had almost zero racial connotations, as Lynch found several african-americans not guilty in his mob courts and saved them from the gallows. This was so iconic that mob vigilantism became referred to as lynching. The problem is that in the South, racist eugenics and general racism were popular, and the racists called their hate crimes lynchings by making out that being black was a crime worthy of being lynched for.

This happened so often that the term picked up racial connotations down there, because it very rarely referred to the simple mob killing of somebody perceived to have committed a heinous crime, and instead usually referred to the horrific death of black people.

It’s been a long time since then, and in our minds it’s simply reverted to being a mob killing, so we used it in the funny Mafia game without thinking. And along comes somebody who still has a kind of familial memory of the term, who is hauntingly aware of the aftermath, and they are made rightfully uncomfortable by the casual use of the term being used agressively against people.

It’s easy to conceptualise fake internet death and laugh at it and not really take it fully seriously, but less so when the word used to describe that death describes how your grandfather died.


so like
just say execute or eliminate or whatever
if a slight change in vocabulary means even 1 or 2 more people can enjoy the game that felt uncomfortable before, i’d consider that an absolute plus

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so like
you’re just being annoyed because you’re asking to make a minor sacrifice for somebody else, but the fact is that you can just make that sacrifice
but the people who this change is meant for can’t just decide to not be made uncomfortable by the word
simple as that


it’s really not that hard to not be racist

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you dick


yes okay i fell into that one
you know what I mean

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Thing is that the only person who supposedly got uncomfortable used the word lynch themselves before going rampant about how outrageous it was

Also because for me personally lynch has no connotations. I didn’t even knew its meaning besides “mafia thing”.

this discussion isn’t because of that
it actually started on M451

link? Never knew that