i want squid executed here
would also be okay(but less okay) with an andrej execute
i want squid executed here
would also be okay(but less okay) with an andrej execute
Btw, who still has their gladiate ability?
all but me
it’s literally everyone but me lul
but i have no regerts because i gladiated a scoom
why not
wasn’t it “one gladiate”
not one gladiate per day
hence me having no gladiate any more
and you didn’t give them their gladiates back
Marshal, are you physically able to talk about anything else besides me 100% being a Neut and not a framed townie? Right now, you’re sounding desperate
/FoS Marshal
Do something other than “Squid Scoomb”
quote me a few classes that can frame as neut please.
after that i will focus on other things(but still reccomend your lynch)
andrej probably scoomb.
hasn’t confirmed himself, didn’t re-shoot after a failed shot and didn’t seem to care what his shot did
if everybody refuses a squid vote then i’ll wagon this
but squid is the better choice
That’s gonna take a bit, but I’m on it. I’ll also look for classes that can alter flips so that I can show possible options of PKR not being truthful if your claim’s legit
nah PKR’s multiball thing was obvously arbirtationey
and he was townie enough
and his message is beleiveable.
and self-altering there makes no sense.
so im not considering that world at all unless something strong is presented
execute me
no balls
Alright, tell me PKR’s scumtells if you don’t think he’s scum and that his flip’s legit and compare to what he said D1
idk his scumtells
i can quote why he makes sense as arbiter and townie things he said