Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Also Sorry for making day 48 hours meant to make D1 24 but I forgot whoops

Leader - JakeTheWolfie
Town - PokemonKidRyan
Town - Marshal
Scum - (Faction 1)
Scum - (Faction 2)
Scum - (Faction 3)
Any (Town, Mafia, Any Neutral)

I’m going to just put this as a random idea for now. Put Marshal town since quite a few people have their claim down and aren’t against Marsh for now.

What is a Multiball?

Multiple mafia factions.
So for example the Unseen and the Enemy Stand Users.
Or the Unseen and the Mafia from Town of Salem.

Multiple informed minorities.

im town

So if there is someone with the scum role of Unseen and someone else with the scum role of Enemy Stand User, they wouldn’t be in the same mofia team?

No. If they’re different factions, they’re different mafia teams and are against each other.
Which would be good for town tbh.

I CC town

could you put these in the OP please?

  1. Marshal i love you
  2. Psquid i love you
  3. Arete i love you
  4. Kai i love you
  5. Esquid i love you
  6. Katze i love you
  7. Jake i love you
  8. Possed i love you
  9. Mist i love you
  10. PKR i love you
  11. Italy i love you
  12. Pug i love you
  13. Andrej i love you
  14. Wazz i love you
  15. Simon i love you
  16. Moustache i love you
  17. Geyde i love you
  18. Diggity i love you

ah well whats done is done

haha i dont have reading stamina at this level so i dont want to read like 600 posts so im skipping to like 100 before current

with the special mechanics thing, AND grand idea…
what did you expect?

between this quote and the end of the post (exclusive) is exactly 4000 characters

also hey


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I am incredibly lonely!

Just a reminder still looking for one replacment. @Htm @Napoleon

/replace in

Maybe I’ll get a better class :upside_down_face:

not asking people to make any if they havent already, but have any readlists been posted yet?

I don’t believe so because there’s very little to go off of

It’d be a mostly null list

Thread keeps dying for long intervals


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if it helps theres only about 6 hours left in the day

Good tbh

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