Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Alright, which neuts are you?

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it will most likely sway one way or the other, but which way it will swing is as-of-yet undetermined

He’s Seymour

eh i don’t like this.

fullclam please and thank you

even if siding town becomes harder i intend to do that, unless town actively slights me

I don’t like Simon here.

He’s lowering our guard

I mean I’m neuts in so I’m totally cool with Simon but I want to know which neut he is


wincon indirectly requires that i not, so i shall abstain for now

yeah if he has use to us(either can solve like me in fol25, or has +EV mech shit for us) then he can stay

but now im scared

i think i know exactly what class simon is

can you tell us your wincon?

but i shouldnt.
it is not explicitly stated, but my wincon becomes much, much more difficult to accomplish if it is publicly known, regardless of which way i side

pardon me as i do heavy role-hunting oop

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i dont think you would be able to find it, as i believe ive been sufficiently vague so as to encompass multiple swaths of roles, however i have not fully checked the class thread so you might

are you the amne?

@katze im not sure if your familiar with Spyfall, but if you are i would ask you to ask a question a la that to confirm whether or not you know my role

i am familiar with spyfall

in the future i shall not answer questions such as these.
no i am not

saying this in advance so yall dont interpret my not answering as an answer

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Simon is cute

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