Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)


class 48


fwiw I was joking about the rolecop thing

Knowing my luck it’s a coincidence

class 303

(i don’t know you well enough to find a good meme here)

it is quite an interesting coincidence though

is anyone here?



wait katze are you claiming this?

or wut

I didn’t have a redcheck, I wanted to see how players would react to the possibility of information.

@Ami According to the man in the sky, you must be scum. I won’t say when or where, or even share how this happened, but I can say with certainty that you are scum.


I mean, you can’t argue with God, right?

I think that Kai saw that I had info that I wazn’t sharing, voted me, then covered it up later.

im just saying this smells suspiciously like a redcheck.

/gladiate Wazza @DatBird

welp, on that note, good night everyone.

(i mean for me physically nothing in game)

Wazza hard chainsaws both Mist and Simon regarding Italy under the premise that the question / conclusion is flawed without exploring them, effectively giving himself reason to vote them but drawing no genuine conclusion from either interaction.
Their additions don’t clarify anything and only serve to be vessels for AtE, which Wazza brings out with no buildup.

Wazza’s doing nothing, but when he’s in thread he gives thread direction with his AtE. In a game that normally flatlines, his additions to thread have obvious impact on it.
Something that should have no reason to get the attention it got had a sizeable portion of thread about just that interaciton.
Thread warp.

There’s no attempt to figure out things from this slot
It’s just pushing for NAI things

I’d like to point out that nobody has attempted to even engage with my content beyond surface level observations.
This may be because my slot has been mechanically shelved at some level (likely nk target)


eh i think wazza has high scum equity so im not dissapointed

I’m very bored