Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Here you go.

… i don’t get it

Look back at my GI Turbo, with you in the Cult of Marshal, to be exact.

catgorl mason?

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Bingo Bongo.

/gladiate Kai_5
@DatBird @SirDerpsAlot

You can’t gladiate during a gladiate, I believe.

can i give you a headpat wazza


read derp’s first post

With, all dear respect, Katze.


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you can def gladiate over a gladiate

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bing bong

defend yourself kairus

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Here’s one interesting thing that I will add, before Pug died he did tell me his class so…

We’re two different classes, that’s all I’m stating, I am the worse one of the two, unfortunately.

there’s two catgirl masons and i was not assigned either

that surprises me

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@Ami and @Marshal are gladiated and can be the only ones voted. All other votes are invalidated as its nice that I dont have to make a VC now

/vote Marshal :^)

/vote Kai_5

Voted Voter Votes
Kai_5 Marshal 1/9
Marshal Katze 1/9
abstaining the rest fight me lol


/vote Kai_5