Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

kai is literally now at l-2

y’all i think the slot has been wolfy and should B E G O N E but let’s not beep this into oblivion just yet


@Geyde make sure you hammer this

Voted Voter Votes
Kai_5 Marshal, Diggity69, Simon, Andrej, Shurian, Moustache 6/9
Diggity69 0/9
Abstaining Kai, PSquid, Esquid, Jake, Mist, Italy, Pug, Wazz, Geyde, Katze 10

hehe secks nummer

/vote Kai_5

do you have doublevotes

if so it’s l-1 and scum could quickhammer

If I had double vote, then hammer would be 10, not 9

you know you can unvote too marshal

that;s not how this works

i don’t think that’s how math works jake

i didn’t think i was voting this wagon

ur the first vote dummyy

ah funny enough i am.

i’ll keep it since jake supposedly doesn’t have DV

lmao thank you i literally wanted to blow my brains out when i saw my role

well since you are dying can you say this role?

join the club why don’t you

wouldn’t it be funny if i just sent the PKR chart to PKR

nah that would be mean but it would be funny.

do it and ill hard claim