Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Actually now I think about it
My class is useless if a condition is true

well it would be tonight

and you are probably getting the baseball bat-to-head treatemeant today so just claim now ReeeeEEEEEeeeeEEEeEEEeEeeeeeEEeEeeEEEeeereeE


So if we gladiate during the day, we can’t execute anyone in JL

Voted Voter Votes
Kai_5 Marshal, Diggity69, Simon, Andrej, Shurian, Moustache, Jake 7/9
Diggity69 0/9
Abstaining Kai, PSquid, Esquid, , Mist, Italy, Pug, Wazz, Geyde, Katze 9

I would prefer to be on-wagon for the lynch but if it’s potentially L-1 I’ll hold off

its literal ass

oh that’s clever

im not dying right away so like it doesnt fuckin matter

but what if gladiate host

You die instantly /s

What if I lolgladiate andrej


andrej isnt a bad lynch in general

i mean when you think about it
there’s no part of the rule stopping town vigs from deleting anyone in jail

d e l e t

also with conversion mechanics in play we could just round up everyone in the PoE until we think we’ve got all the scum
and then commit amanda jigsaw if you know what i’m saying :eyes:

we blow them up with no escape

We have what now

conversion mechanics not garunteed