Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Marshal: Cult of Marshal, Unseen, Enemy Stand Users are the scum factions
PoisonedSquid is a NEUTRAL. Since she had claimed confirmed good due to my check, this tells me Squid is an EVIL neut.

I did not entrust anyone… because I wanted to get a good result first to protect them.

Arete did not produce much of worth… suspected you and Esquiddy had fake reactions together. Plus a ‘hot take’ that Geyde is part of a scum faction who killed me.

The syllables… depending on which they mean… it’s 2 for my sona or 3 for one I use on other sites.

Enjoy~ :heart:

i highkey dont wanna play

can you execute me

Marshal, he thinks I’m a Neutral, that’s not an actual claim of me being one -_-

he checked you as neut freindo

he did this and got you neut lul

he wouldn’t say this if he got you town

There are two BD on the lynch wagon

And one of them was Geyde

Bruh, how the fuck can you check a fucking BD as a Neut? That doesn’t make any lick of sense


Unless if you’re either lying or pulling another one of your reactiontests on me because this is getting fishy as shit

Presumably Moustashe doesn’t count as BD

I still say purge the entire wagon anyway


if @Andrej is legit please blast the ass of mi amigo Poisionedsquid

I’m dumb do you count as Blue Dragon to my investigation

Seriously, Marshal, stop with the bullshit right now. I can “technically” be confirmable and prove you’re lying. I don’t want to out my class and just be some boring vigilante with a certain advantage

Because if you do we’re killing everyone on the wagon but you

I think since King can’t be investigated, your ability wouldn’t read me as BD.

if you can confirm yourself do so please.

I can be confirmed if something specific happens during the night

@Mistyx check if your class works with occs/prevention(because i was jailkept)

Geyde BD
Simon, Moustashe, Jake not BD
Marshal/Diggity/Andrej/Shurian/Katze has 1 BD

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I’m pretty sure I softed my class too hard, but with the class list going on, it’s probably hard to find