Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

@Marshal You the Justicar?


but jake if you are town

you should know mist is BSing

I’m receiving an answer to whether or not King is able to be investigated or not.

that’s fine

when you do please yeet mist plz and ty

So far, any direct investigations would say that they were the King.

And Justicar #276 wouldn’t receive anything from the King

So Marshal, do you think that the King can be investigated?

King is part of the teleology ability check.

I heard that from the hosts and if you asked

“is king part of the teleology ability check” you would receive yes

otherwise there is no reason to speculate about if it would or wouldn’t show up

because the hosts will tell you and anyone else who asked

btw @JakeTheWolfie who was royally chatted?

Me and Andrej

I’ll ask then

I took Jake’s word on it

Don’t try to twist this as something I made up

God Damnit Mist. I was going to do a React Test on Marshal, lying that I put Poisoned and PKR.

The fuck
But the Syndicate

seeing as i talked with a dead PKR last night this woulnd’t fucking work

PKR is dead

So I’m not sure how exactly that works

Also I didn’t get a conclusive answer on Jake but Moustashe does return as town


shurian are you the justicar?

just be honest

I legitimately have no idea at this point

He’s pulling this out of his ass

because mists says that you/me/katze/andrej/jake/someone else i can’t even remember are all scum