Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Nah, the worst thing I could be is Acolite

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Ok boys I want each of you to tell me a number between 1 and 100.

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Good Pawns.

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Arete get back here with your number

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someone has to say it



if idei it it wouod be to obvious


Only some people will know why I am doing this, and I do not want them to reveal why, should they find out.

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Too bad that arete didn’t dayvig marshal 2 hours into the game

So anyway, who feels like their class was picked specifically for them?

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I feel like derps did this just to mess with me

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mine was

for kinda obvious reasons

Hard same

I gave him this power
and he used it to make me suffer

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…are you a catgirl Mason

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47 says Marshal rolled some kind of Marshal

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Inb4 You rolled Neko King again

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