Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

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nerd never clear me off of mechanics lul

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Because I wasn’t dropping that tunnel until the claim

I mean… fuck


why are my reads only good when I roll scum-sided survivor and die N1


also did moustache get my CoM-town abil or my quesiton-abil

I also felt that same thing during n1
Which was why I jailkeeped

OH WAIT @Arete u win too

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The one where scumteam appears as BD. The only reason Mist got BD results N2

also lul @Arete the n1 kill by me streak continues

I may have strongmanned quite a few people :slight_smile:

The problem for me was that Moustashe had clearing info on them
Which made sense

Time to out the Royal Chat Motherfuckery

No because I needed to survive

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Their wincon is survival

And they died

Funny thing is she killed Simon

rip lul

> be Arete
> be scumsided neut
> correctly read 2/3 scum
> announce loudly in thread how much I’m townreading them
> still get strongman killed by them
> also get killed by the townsiding neut


sorry for totally fucking you over arete

Good work jake and other scummies