Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Diggity makes a very strong accusation off of a micro read very early into the game

Where town does that:
Genuinely stumbling onto something very telling

Where scum does that:
Trying to look productive / helpful. Leader is easy target for suspicion.

I think it’s important to consider the particulars of mentioning specifically Syndicate King when scum have a generic faction name (from experience of last game), so they couldn’t have specifically syndicate

Ah, ok.

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I personally lean former since it’s in scum’s advantage to hide potential softs like that.

While they’re wrong, I still think that if this came from scum (Newbscum at that), this proves that there’s another scum here in the thread right now.

isnt scum like 1 specific class

i know it wasnt like that in sfol56 but like in the GI turbo everyone was vult of marshal

i thought it was like that.

i think multiple factions can spawn

It was cult 2.0 last game iirc

What do you mean by this?

yeah but they were a mix

syndicate/HoB unseen/non-Bd converted unseen

last GI game was Cult 2.0

both the turbo GI games today were only 1 faction

like a theme or shit

like mm/assas/random unseen


hand of byzantium

cool setup

Never heard of it.

Enough about the mechanics.
It’s obvious that they exist.

They all had same faction instead of their original ones

it was a convert class of hand of byzantium

an sydicate support

and then a convert class of a “miraculous”(town) class

If Diggity is scum, then would they flip Syndicate here?

if its like everyone is suggesting then no

but i was tinfoiling that diggity is scum with a snydicate

but since you mentioned syndicate first i dropped the tinfoi.

I thought so too. But if Diggity is scum, the fact that that post in particular caught their eye might mean that we are dealing with one of those 3 (4?) factions.

You keep saying “If” like you’re being hedgy.