Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

No way we both rolled classes between 1 and 706

so you aren’t inquisitive king too?

oh boy oh boy

No, I’m Inquisitor.

Die, scoomb!

Are we going to play the game or nah?

We are playing the game. And you just lost The Game.


i just lost the game


i had a good fucking streak

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okay Jake is an IRL wolf for that

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I just want my Forum name to just be : wolf :

Not even the emoji, just the characters

/vote Mist

As your king, no.

Quick question

Can we just … always execute the people that we’re “sending to jail”?
Like, tree stumps are great and all, but you know what else is great? Flips

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The jails is where we send criminals, not where we send criminals to immediately die.

Where’s katze

I hereby declare myself as locktown

I hereby declare katze as no longer locktown

/gladiate Jake

why is this game so dead

Because my throat’s been bothering me since yesterday and my nose is starting to drip. I think I’m catching something :^)

didn’t they say the game starts on the 5th