Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

okay is kai drugged up

  1. Marshal i love you
  2. Psquid i love you
  3. Arete i love you
  4. Kai i love you
  5. Esquid i love you
  6. Katze i love you
  7. Jake i love you
  8. Possed i love you
  9. Mist i love you
  10. PKR i love you
  11. Italy i love you
  12. Pug i love you
  13. Andrej i love you
  14. Wazz i love you
  15. Simon i love you
  16. Moustache i love you
  17. Geyde i love you
  18. Diggity i love you
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every night fucks every day up

what’s this called again i forgot

Lying :^)


i thought that i was dreaming when you said you loved


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so derps is extra cruel and that’s kind of sad

goddamn lul

these bitches want nikessss
they looking for a check
tell em it ain’t likelyyy

Sorry I didn’t specify claim love in Mason chat my bad

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kai is either on something or claiming a role that has to talk weird

Its Possessed not Possed. Possed reminds me of Opposum or however its spelled

oh thats easier heh

/vote DatBird

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jake what leader are you?

100% AI
let’s all :sheep:

@Marshal @Arete @Ami @Esquiddy @katze @Jake @Possessed @Mistyx @PokemonKidRyan @Italy

there light
with no heat