Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Player Make Unkillable Kill Immediately
Marshal Esquiddy Kai_5
Arete Jake Mist
Jake Arete Italy
Katze Marshal 0-Posters


save geyde

ur a nerd

Player Make Unkillable Kill Immediately
Marshal Esquiddy Kai_5
Arete Jake Mist
Jake Arete Italy
Katze Geyde 0-Posters

2 minutes left

invests check nullreads

protectives WiF oM
offensives on scumreads

If I had to decide…
I’d save you.

Kill Jake.
Idk why but gut’s saying scum leader.

killers on?

Player Make Unkillable Kill Immediately
Marshal Esquiddy Kai_5
Arete Jake Mist
Jake Arete Italy
Katze Geyde 0-Posters
PKR Marshal Jake

Scumreads too probably.

OKAY Its time to go to sleep. This is where the fun begins. Night 1 start, it will last for 24 hours. Send me night actions pls and thanks.

Side note if you did a day action if you could remind me because I kinda forgot to record anything from D1.

scumreads or just dont take shots

or simon if you think that’s +EV


I accidentally outed the fact that I got bled and Jake was currently typing at that time

shut up and go the fuck to sleep

Next person to post before given permission is gonna be modkilled


Okay, modkill me.


Reminder day begins at 2020-01-06T03:43:00Z, we are still missing some actions and are still in need of a replacement


League match ran long actions locked

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