Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

also in case scum isnt aware, my win con is the removal of other stand users

@Diggity69 why don’t you out your red check? Im confused.

if your referring to the fact that im not giving out information, tough. i know a good few people on this sight will just open up with their claim if even slightly pushed, despite the presence of anti-claim mechanics in the OP (other game/s, not this one). im careful about what information i give out, and always have been. in game and out.

however if you are referring to this whole thing as i suspect you are, im open about my motivations and how they’ll affect my judgement. id be lying if i said im all town, all the time. thats either false or gamethrowing, so im not going to do that

im openly neutral,
and i have a background in helping town as a neutral, unless town actively slights me.

despite my not claiming just yet, i can assure you it is not for a lack of a claim to give. ive put out a few hooks already, ideally just subtle enough that no one will get them, but will be valid later if called upon. so, when i claim, im either telling you my real class or ive planned that claim from the beginning.
this, in my opinion, is the true softclaim. its soft enough that no one but you knows, but still actually represents or backs up a claim if explained

if you write another essay on yourself about how Innocent you are without any leads ill vote you up because you’re clearly trying to scum hide. I have a feeling that you’re the stand user im looking for.

me probably

in particular in GI, arguably the type of setup most closed for the variety of mechanics it presents, and when there could easily be anticlaim stuff

can you please clarify your role beyond just VT

this is important


That’s…literally impossible.

is your name italy

An Explanation

meh. i know i play a good bit differently from normal, and afaik ive never played with you before, so i set a couple things straight.

i didnt present any leads because i do not have any. ive always been quite bad with reads, although ive gotten slightly better imo, but still. as i said before im real good at finding reasonings. this is actually a big hindrance with reads, as i can come up with a town motivation just as easily as a scum one, for almost any action.
for instance, despite us interacting here i have no read on you for it, as it could be a scum you trying to shade me for whatever reason, or it could be a town you reacting to my play in your normal way, and i have no preference either way.
Im not doing this to make myself seem innocent. im just trying to keep you from scumreading me for the wrong things. the only evidence so far for why you should trust me is my history of helping town as a neutral, and my willingness to attempt to push forward play in d1 despite the risk.

no its not. i have an explanation but ill sit on it for a moment, at least until italy answers

hm maybe reading might’ve been a good idea

Vanilla Townie.

Literally can’t do shit, what do you mean?

Unless, of course, you think they are The Couturier


You are not Italy

Why are you getting involved in this

may I remind you that I cannot read

just hush for now. i can explain it later

if you want a stupid answer I’m curious how he’s VT when there technically is no town faction

Because, despite not being Italy, I can speak, you insensitive asshole.

No you can’t, you can’t explain shit at all.