Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

No you’re right this was in response to Moustashe

i didnt know mist’s motives. what i knew was that wazza said you cant be more specific than VT and i knew that was incorrect, so i listed some ways one could get more specific than VT

what? is “this particular named VT” not more specific than VT??

i was saying you could be mroe specific than just “VT” if thats not disagreeing with you, as it seemed to be, than whatever

by town faction do you mean any good faction?

any two people that have the same wincon and either win together or lose together are the same faction, regardless of what it says.
or at least thats my stance

…What…what…? What the fuck do you actually mean? You are hurting my head.

if you want a stupid answer I’m curious how he’s VT when there technically is no town faction

but there is a town faction?

you said “you cant be more specific than VT. thats impossible” and i disagreed so i corrected that.

thats was my thought process in the beginning.

where is this a quote from?

you’re arguing over semantics, literally off topic. what is even the point of this discussion.

this was it. any higher motivations you perceive are added

i intended it to be that and to then be done, not to spawn a whole conversation


…You can’t…

on a technicality, yeah you could… but thats off topic as hell, i recommend just dropping the topic as a whole

Like wazza said, i’m just VT. I get no flavor, just two weapons. Voice & Vote.

it’s not called “town” though so gottem

i literally just said how you can, did you not see that??

BD, town, etc is just flavor and wincons are standardized


i still say we hang simon, we’ll get a lot more information that way