Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

speaking of classcard

If i hammer-send a person to jail, i can learn whether or not they are scum via my passive

What makes you think game is multiball

i normally dont.
very few things stress me out more than someone continuing to talk to me about something, asking me to drop it, and them not listening to anything i say.
ill be back in a bout in hour guys

i do not think i’ve brought up this topic once so far


are you really going to count plural
i take chances into account when i say things

not really
I’m looking into people who may have been able to read into what PKR was saying d1 and knew to shoot them

and you start with the person who does literally nothing to read

For me it’s in


Well I was doing you first since I had very little to go on and didn’t want to make it obvious

Marshal is still technically plausible if they are a class with feedback. Their ability failing means that there has to be a roleblocker of some sort. Would confirm that there is a scumfac with 2+ players (going off of PKR slipping multiball as I’ve gone over earlier)
Mist seems by far the most likely in my mind since they were in thread at that point in time

What are your thoughts on Wazza
I’m kind of unsure regarding the slot because a lot of their posts seem like they’re fake bluster to push a point

his iso is pretty fluffy which is usually scum-ai

I personally think he was wrong in the VT argument and was unreasonable there.

so i had him in my top 3 scumcandidates

Wazza/Mist should claim today
We need to burn through PoE

you think i read into pkrs softs?

im flattered

Slight change/thing I forgot to mention. Upon a mafia flip it will get a label of team A/B (depending on which flips first) to differentiate between potential separate factions. This will still be done if their is only one faction

Voted Voter Votes
Diggity Kai 1/9
Simon Moustashe 1/9
Shurian Geyde 1/9
Abstaining Marshal, Psquid. Esquid, Katze, Jake, Shurian, Mist, Italy, Pug, Andrej, Wazz Simon, Diggity 13 people

italy will always be here to break the awkward silences for you


I’m teleology or however it’s spelled

This is why I was asking about Italy’s role

I didn’t read the classcard thread and misunderstood what a Knight was because of something katze said D1