Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

i am the great sage equal to heaven, i cannot be killed you fool :slight_smile:


okay my next post will be a vote on kai

if hammer gets sniped i blame italy

/vote Kai_5

@Geyde go go

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/vote Kai_5 @DatBird


its fine that this vote wont kill you
this vote wont kill anybody. its the executing that kills people


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Silence go away dat I wanna do it

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alternatively, you could give me a chance to be useful instead of just shooting me before i even get a chance

Voted Voter Votes
Kai_5 Marshal, Diggity69, Simon, Andrej, Shurian, Moustache, Jake, Katze, and Geyde 9/9
Diggity69 0/9
Abstaining Kai, PSquid, Esquid, , Mist, Italy, Pug, Wazz 7



Kai_5 Has been thrown into jail! Starting Day 3 their will be another majority vote seperate from the ‘lynch’ to execute everyone in jail. This is Majority only.

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Night two begins and will end in 24 hours (Not gonna end early since this is a decent enough time tbh)

Also still looking for a god damn replacement.

Okay So I just noticed a small typo in my second post. It says Jailed persons can’t take an action during the day. The day part was not intended to be included and they are unable to do any actions. Apologies

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hey that’s my class

Missing like half the actions im pretty sure

We awaken to quite the carnage!

@Geyde has died they were…


Blue Dragon Offensive

The Seventeenth King of Rohan
Kingdom (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a mafia aligned player, you will be informed whether your Dungeons target is a member of the mafia.
Leader (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Command From Horseback (Day) - You are immune to negative day effects today. [3 Uses]
Dungeons (Night) - Target a player, preventing visits to them tonight, however, they will also be occupied. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Defeat the mafia and any neutral who seek to do you harm

They had the following logs…

Geyde Logs

n1 Dungeons Marshal
n2 Dungeons Marshal

Marshal probably dies tonight if I don’t protect them. Given that my chance of hitting the factional as a result of Kai likely being solo is low, the cop check isn’t too worth it.
Disappointing and my bad for outing

Keep watch on Mist. Their claim is entirely fakeable.
Tell Andrej to shoot in the PoE; base it on reasoning. If they shoot scum they probably get off my shit list.
PSquid is only mostly confirmed, they could be either Bulletproof or a GF

There’s a solid chance I miscleared a player (Likely in Esquid/Moustache [leaning more on former since Moustache did have slighly unknown mech info but there’s a world where Marshal and Moustache coordinate that. Esquid’s only clear so far because their claim was odd. If a scumteam tried to pull off what they did, they could do so very easily]). However, don’t focus these until there’s a lot of reasonable doubt.

But check back to the bleeding classes
Should give good hints on what we’re up against
Reminder I did get bled on d1, so my death confirms that the likelihood of more healers is low. Although, don’t zombie through weird claims.

I’ll be dead inside if PSquid is scum :^)
Well, I’m almost guaranteed to die


Doesn’t seem like that difficult of a game to win from here. Just be smart and DON’T go full potato.

Gameplan should be:
Marshal outs the stuff
Andrej shoots
Go nuts

@Simon has died they were…

Meta Reads

Neutral Special
No meta! (Passive) - If you use meta to read someone or defend yourself you will be modkilled.
Meta Death (Night) - Send up to two quotes of players using meta from the game thread, they will be strongmaned. This ability will not be usable if you have won the game. (Inf)
Goal: survive whilst killing as many people who used meta as you can, or alternitivley kill 3 people who used meta

They had the following logs…

Simon Logs

I was going to target shurian or andrej.
but if squid is going to kill me why even bother. i am actively being discouraged to not help town BY TOWN. that is just very stupid it makes me mad thinking about it
so im killing marshal tonight (n2). and if i manage to be alive, geyde n3. or vice versa. i havent decided yet.
like, you think your killing neutrals because they always side with evil right?
well, i guarantee you if you gave some a chance sometimes, those numbers would go way down. most of the reason neuts dont side town isnt just that they like evil or that their odds are increased by doing so
its that they know if they try and help town the town will immediately turn on them, and punish them for daring to consider siding town. not leave them for a vote where its unsure and they cant show their worth, no. they are killing them immediately. even when it is unnecessary.
so yes, should i survive im going for town’s knees. just know you brought this on yourself.

@Moustashe has died they were…

Melone and Baby Face

JoBro, La Squadra Esecuzioni, Special, Ability Copier and Automatic

So good…What a magnificent slap.

La Squadra Esecuzioni (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of La Squadra Esecuzioni

Baby Face (Passive): Your abilities are used by your stand so you aren’t seen using them.

Learn (Day/Night): Copy one random ability from target player. Can only get Day or Night Abilities, depending on whether you use this during the day or night. You only get 1 use of his ability, no matter if the original was infinite or not. The name of the ability will become Learn 1, Learn 2, etc. and you will be uninformed (dreaming god) on what the ability does. It might specify it needs a target though. (4 uses)

Baby Face Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, You get another use of Learn. You can also now target dead people, and get to choose which ability you want if they are dead. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat the mafia and any neutral who seek to do you harm

They had the following logs…

Moustache logs

n1 /learn marshal
n2 /learn 1 Out of Wazza, andrej and Pug, is atleast one or more of them scum?
Clearly I know that I’m town, I don’t need you to tell me that i’m town, I had a powerful ability and i didn’t want to be targeted by scum and here I am now.

In additon to this Pug has been modkilled due to being unable to find a replacment. They were…

The Eliatrope


Blue Dragon Support
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe
Pocket Dimension (Day) - If you die tonight, delay it for 2 nights. This will delay bleeding in addition to attacks. - 2 uses
Time Warp (Night) - Delays a player’s death for 2 days. This will delay ongoing bleeding in addition to attacks. You can prevent a death multiple times. Cannot delay unhealable attacks or suicide. - Infinite uses :crown:
Distort Reality (Night) - Redirect all deaths that you have delayed to the target player. Can be healed and does not bypass death immunity. - Infinite uses

Defeat the mafia and any neutral who seek to do you harm

Day three begins and will end in 48 hours or upon hammer.

Marshal: Cult of Marshal, Unseen, Enemy Stand Users are the scum factions
PoisonedSquid is a NEUTRAL. Since she had claimed confirmed good due to my check, this tells me Squid is an EVIL neut.

I did not entrust anyone… because I wanted to get a good result first to protect them.

Arete did not produce much of worth… suspected you and Esquiddy had fake reactions together. Plus a ‘hot take’ that Geyde is part of a scum faction who killed me.

The syllables… depending on which they mean… it’s 2 for my sona or 3 for one I use on other sites.

Enjoy~ :heart: