Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

shurian who are your checks


now 3 conftown on the kai wagon
meaning that mist is defenitely not telling the truth or was messed with

wait that’s illegal

You’re fucking joking about Marshal, aren’t you? He’s spewing a bunch of bullshit

I think the plan is just to ignore my check at this point


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Someone’s probably outed scum at this point

It’s just too much of a mess to figure out exactly who

since im conftown

and pkr got squid as neut

either squid is framed

or squid is neut

and im leaning heavily heavily towards neut


Neutral framing
Like that exists

i think some classes have it but :man_shrugging:

the other option besides you being framed is you being neut

All you said was that PKR thinks I’m an evil sided Neut

Im not kidding squiddo, >_>

no. PKR has a neut check on you

his message literally said so

That’s fucking bullshit and I know it’s bullshit! There’s no reason for me to kill another Neut as a Neutral!

I know there’s some classes that want other Neuts to die, but I have a passive that that type of class doesn’t have

is this a slip?

honestly i want a fullclaim and ai want it now

I’m about this frustrated with you right now

don’t shoot the messenger lul

im just telling you what PKR gave me

And if I claim, I become totally useless and die because of the anti-claim