Derps Grand Idea! - Signups (16/16+)

2 hours ago

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Shut up nerd, liable to make me delay till morning :wink:

@SirDerpsAlot You’re lucky that you didn’t have to roll through variants of Acolyte

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Its like u didnt read the next message bucko :stuck_out_tongue:


Just…look in the class thread
I can’t witness this terror anymore

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First person to like this gets a cookie…or something


Give me a varient of Marshal role

Gimme ur address and I’ll send you a cookie

Jake is a “Wolfie”
I’m a “Kid”

Therefore I’m the first person to like it.

Getting ready to distribute classes etc as soon as dat calls me.

Game will start sometime after I get back from my driving test. Probably Late morning/early afternoon

congratulations a knife will be sent to you through the mail, you’ll find it in the person-sized box

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Also no more talking seeing as how classes are gonna start existing soon (maybe)

I’m gonna call you a… NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD

Okay, go distribute the classes now.


All roles are sent out, feel free to spam me with questions+complaints