Derps Grand Idea! - Signups (16/16+)

marshal and getting modkilled

name a more iconic duo


i’ve only been modkilled for angleshooting

i wanna get modkilled for something raunchy like doxxing the host in the thread

uh oh

@SirDerpsAlot delete everything hes gonna dox you :eyes:

Marshal I bet you’ll never be able to figure out what state I’m in


chicago dummy

I think he’s done this before

you had one job


doxx me doxx me

i don’t have enough to doxx you

but i know derp’s full name, old middle school, and that he threw 22.07m at a discus event

also that his 2mile time is slow as fuck

even if y’all knew my name you couldn’t dox me because like 50000 people have the same name as me

We all know your name is Marshal

i fucking wish

Also same

my email address is and I’ve been getting emails intended for other Legalfirstname Lastnames for literally as long as I can remember including once from someone’s probably-spouse

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and ye


oh boy oh boy.

oh boy oh boy this reminds me of the funniest thing.

people kept calling me asking for kyle. after answering they’d always be like “you sound young”.

googled my number. Some dude had a page for his… services to other men. with my number listed right there


I don’t see why a teenager couldn’t wash their cars :thinking:

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well i was like 10 at the time.

i heard nothing too scarring but it’s weird to think about how i probably had to turn down 10-15 horny gay men.

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You are too damn hot

10 year old me was ugly af.

so defenitely not

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