Derps Grand Idea! - Signups (16/16+)

You forgot @SirDerpsAlot

I dunno who else to ping

im already inned you baka

wow you didn’t even fucking ping me lul


@Diggity69 I wonder if you’re secretly on the forum.

make an alt

I do not condone rule breaking




@anon97870008 your services are required

You’re alrteady in.

marshal was first to in lmao


i knew that

go make people join

@katze bully priestess into playing!

@Isaac_Gonzalez you can come if u promise to re-read feedback

it’s not hostbias if nobody finds out you forcerolled me as The Italy :wink:


You failed the reactiontest @Marshal

i don’t think i could get priestess to play if i tried

and i don’t think i’d try

Jgoes, by doing this, you harve sinted and must be killed. Goodbye.

Sorry man, I play one game at a time.

Even though I would love to play Dream God again some day.

just pray this starts after one ur in smh