Derps Grand Idea! - Signups (16/16+)

if someone says I’m town it locktowns the person and solves by POE

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I don’t belive you’ll have any info that other don’t have

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After the first person talks on D3 it automatically votes player 3 for lynch

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I’m player 3

Dang sheriff

lynch p1 d1
lynch p2 d2
lynch p3 d3

this is a winning poe

just skip 6 on d6 hes locktown

hello fellow mafia members i have a big brain idea
let’s kill 16 tonight

i will science you

didn’t you implode the last time you tried to science kat

don’t you still technically owe me a sonnet

have you drank your hot sauce yet

twas if you flipped town

you didn’t flip

and that deal was for everyone on the forum in a massive aplogy thread i woulda made

i thought the :^) is if i flipped

and the sonnet is if both priestess and i were town

oh that reminds me.

parents just got groceries so soon

actually lemme pull something up

bet marshal was just gonna sing the “stan wrong song”

look at the quote of this post.

this was for all deal matters

…i was actually thinking about basing it off of that.

except i wasn’t gonna write it

just write me a sonnet :^)

Your quote says “are” not “flip as” :^)

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