DGADT FM - Voting Thread

/vote Kyo

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Italy Wazza, Apprentice, Vulgard, CRichard564, sulit 5/8
Leafia TrustworthyLiberal, Intensify, oB_L1ght, ModeShifter, Italy 5/8
oB_L1ght TheBlueElixir 1/8
TrustworthyLiberal Leafia 1/8
KyoDaz Centuries 1/8
Not Voting EVO, KyoDaz 2
1 Like

/vote app

/Vote App

/vote Leafia

wait let me think

/vote Seth

/Vote Leafia

/vote Leafia

/vote Italy

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Italy Wazza, Apprentice, Vulgard, CRichard564, sulit, Centuries 6/8
Leafia TrustworthyLiberal, oB_L1ght, Italy, ModeShifter, Intensify 5/8
Apprentice TheBlueElixir 1/8
TrustworthyLiberal Leafia 1/8
Not Voting EVO, KyoDaz 2

The second most frightening beings in existence are the three furies, who inflict grevious pain upon god and mortal alike. It is a mercy that they are in the service of Hades.

VC error corrected, nerds. For real.

/vote Leafia


/vote Leafia

this marks the start of d4

/vote Wazza

/vote L1ght

/vote L1ght

Low-effort MarshalVC™

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Wazza TheBlueElixir 1/6
oB_L1ght Intensify, Apprentice 2/6
Not Voting everyone else 8


/vote App

/vote Wazza

/vote L1ght
