DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

make sure you ping me in it and reply to my post.

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you know what would be a gamer move? claiming I have mech reasons to trust TBE :eyes:

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CRich - no offense to the guy, but he sticks out like a sore thumb when he’s scum

TBE - Actively trying to solve and get things going and has done a few specific things that I think make him very likely to be town

Centuries - town Centuries just has a thought process that is very easy for me to follow and agree with. also I don’t really think that claiming to be tree stumped here comes from scum

how’s that sound for a response? I’m bad at putting my reads into words haha

I think Centuries is RHM to TBE. And they’re masonized

Actually wait a second. I think that scum used Dreaming God ability that disabled Centuries nvm

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Yeah I’m pretty certain he just got whacked by the scum DG

you would seem sus if you did that tbh.

Sorry about the late response, had to do stuff

I didn’t do that that’s why I gave the eyes

We would really like to execute scum today or kill one tonight. Also we’re gonna be gamers and pick Apollo right?

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We could also pick Hera :eyes:

hmmmm another theory is that Hades will give you access to deadchat

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Apollo would be a good option tbh.

I only want to use Hades when you’re dead.

@Marshal can we learn the feedback that TBE learned?

I can not give the exact feedback, no.


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It’s Day 3 and 15 people remain.

2 Titans are dead, the Titan Dreaming God still remains.
7 Olympus are dead, the Olympus Dreaming God still remains but is completely useless.
0 Neutrals are dead, the Neutral Dreaming God is empowered :^)

Hey I’m here, just finished catching up


Centuries has basically claimed RHM for Olympus idk if it’s enough to vig them but I think it might be

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Let me check. They claimed to be vaniliarized though.

Imma try it.

/kill Centuries @Marshal