DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

Wazza is…


Neutral Killer Power Thief
After the gadfly bit Pegasus with the force of Zeus’s lightning, you fell through the sky for what felt like an eternity. The pain of your hubris streaked through the sky, until you passed down into the Underworld. The gods who you once served consigned you to a true eternity of falling, through the realm of Tartarus, the deepest place in Erebos, so deep that not even Persephone dares venture there.

But when the wanderers, the planets of the sky alligned, and the gates of Hades were opened, you saw the Titans and the Giants, vanquished by the Gods, horrific beasts that a hero such as yourself is destined to fight, escape, you had had enough. How dare Zeus do this to you? How dare Zeus let this blight upon the mortal world happen?

You called Pegasus to your side. He’s still loyal, even after you spent years in Tartarus. Feeling the heat of the Phlegethon as it coursd down the walls near you did not purify you of the hubris that sent you to challenge Olympus. It only made it stronger.

Passive - No negative effects, excluding kills, can effect you. Once you gain Dreaming God powers, you will lose this passive.
Passive - You and your Right Hand Man share a 1-time passive death immunity
Day - Each day, you may select a player to learn their alignment and if they are a Dreaming God or not.
Night - Guess a player and an alignment. If that player is a Dreaming God of that alignment, you will gain Dreaming God powers of your own, as well as the ability to kill someone each night. That Dreaming God will lose their abilities, and only regain them upon your death. If you find a Dreaming God but guess their alignment wrong, you will be informed of this.

If both Dreaming Gods have died, you will gain Dreaming God powers of your own, as well as the ability to kill someone each night.
Additionally, if any Right Hand Man ever claims, you have the power to kill them at any time.

Survive to see the fall of Olympus and the Titans.

Apprentice is…


Neutral Right Hand Man

You are the Right Hand Man to the Neutral Dreaming God Power Thief! You share a private chat with them and You know that the Olympus Dreaming God & the Titan Dreaming God also have Right Hand Men. If your master is ever going to die, you will die in their place, with your flip cleaned. Your master will appear as town to investigatives while you are alive. If you die, instead of joining dead chat, you will instead still be able to converse with your master.

Ensure your master wins the game

You know the following flavors are not in game:

  • Orestes
  • Achilles

(no app, I did not forcerand this, you just got lucky. YW.)


Hosts going to make a discord or should we make one?

It’s a 2-person chat

a disc isn’t neccesary but if y’all want one i’ll make one

Yeah this is probably fine. I tend to enjoy the format of discord more, but this will totally work

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I’ve just woken up! Anyway, hey.

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Are we allowed to talk pre-game?

yes you are

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Alright then.

@Apprentice I don’t believe I’ve ever been on a team with you and considering I’m this one, I’m kinda scared lol, either way, me becoming a dreaming god is probably important straight away.

We need to make some fake claims pre-game.

Yeah I can start working up some fake classcards if we want. You should probably claim Achilles and I’ll claim Orestes? Just because Achilles is much more recognizable. We can get away with not claiming for quite a while though, since anticlaim probably exists. Having a reason that I die instead of you when if you ever get lynched is really important

Couple of things. I assume that we’re the only neutrals since having more in a 24p, especially with a 2p NK faction makes little sense. Scumteam probably isn’t conversion based as we’d completely fuck them over if we stole their dreaming god powers. There’s a possibility of using your ability to kill Right Hand Men that would allow you to kill me for towncred, but that’s probably not something we can plan before game start.

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Is there any standard role that has an ability that’s basically a 1-shot: “if today’s lynch would kill a member of the town you die instead, otherwise nothing happens”?

Ideally you’re not on the chopping block for execution anyway. If you can get in towncore than I can claim a soulbond with you or something of that sort.

Yeah, Scumteam probably have 4-5p from what I see with the double NK thing meaning we probably have 17 Town to get through, but I still want to steal Scumteams Dreaming God powers over Towns purely for the fact to basically whack out their knees and their standing point while they keep trying to get Town lynched.

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Hm, I’ve seen another one before but I was thinking like a Mercenary type of role.

I could have my fake claim be a neut GA/Mercernary of some sort. Assigned to keep a random town alive till end of game even if I die

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Hm, the issue with that is the fact that when you die, you’re cleaned.

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And if you are rando-attacked instead of me or lynched instead of me, you will flip.

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it’s also pretty bad if I die naturally. since I only get cleaned saving you

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Hah, mindmeld.

I was kind of hoping that we got two gods that were siblings or something as we could’ve been able to fake that we were two people in a mason together.